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T W E N T Y   S I X

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T W E N T Y   S I X

The crows were silent. Althea was silent, biting her lip as they came to the small drop ship. Ignoring the pain she felt as her teeth dug into the bruise on her bottom lip, the bruise caused by the swirls of agony in her mind on the day they came to the ground. The day everything changed. Leaders rose, leaders fell.

Once again, her thoughts fell to John Murphy. Her mind never wandered far from him when in an idle state. She stood not far from the ship just remembering the features of his face when the girl steps out, smiling as she takes in the sights. Briefly, her eyes land on Althea, but the scenery is much more interesting than a girl with her head in the clouds.

"I dreamed it would smell like this," The girl says, spinning around with extended arms.

"Welcome home, Raven," Clarke says, a smile forming on her own lips, but it was lopsided and looked misplaced.

As Althea parts her lips to introduce herself, Finn comes running through the long grass towards them. He looks taken back when he sees Raven.

Raven sees him too; she runs over to him. Their exchange is one out of love, a romantic one to put it even more clearly. Althea steals a look at Clarke, she looks on with hurt in her strong eyes. It intensifies when Raven presses her lips to Finn's, kissing just like the lost lovers they were.

Althea steps closer to Clarke and puts a hand on her arm. "Clarke," She whispers, but Clarke acts as if she didn't even hear it. She speaks again. "It's okay to care about someone and it's okay to hurt over them."

Now Clarke looks at her. Her eyes look more confused than sad, as if she was puzzled as to why Althea was trying to comfort her, but then she remembered how Althea had looked at Murphy the day of Charlotte's death. The way her eyes brimmed with tears gave it all away. Althea was speaking from experience and, more importantly, helping her.

Althea gives her a small smile before dropping her hand from her arm and looking to Finn who was helping Raven sit down. Clarke jumps to action, telling Raven to put pressure on the wound to her head.

What Raven said next made Althea feel sick to her stomach. Her entire body seemed to freeze up as Raven revealed the Ark's plan to execute three hundred people to prolong the oxygen supply. Three hundred people would die and that terrified Althea because there was little she could do to help. Her bones locked into place and her jaw fell open.

She didn't move when Raven pushed past her to get to the ship, giving her an odd look. Her frustration is more than evident when she discovers the missing radio and it is concluded that Bellamy Blake is the only one responsible for such a crime.


They're running again, running to find Bellamy, running to save the lives of three hundred innocent people. Althea's muscles burned as they ran through the trees. She was silent, feeling misplaced in such a situation, but she ran anyway because the lives of the many out weighted her discomfort in being in the middle of a love triangle.

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