2: SIX

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Murphy, in truth, had never thought he'd see that beautiful face again. And though it was awful to have thought such a thing, it was easier than knowing she was still out there, maybe in pain, still hating him.

If she died hating him, he didn't know if he could ever forgive himself.

Every now and again, Althea would mumble a few, incoherent words. It almost sounded as if she were chanting to herself, lowly and under her breath. Letting the words rumble within her throat and vibrate against her lips.

While she had a few cuts and bruises, Murphy couldn't see any visible signs of damage. In relief, it turned out that he was the one who had been hurt the worst.

Even so, it still hurt when she went pale in the face at the sight of him, resisting against the bitter guard even as she stood no chance in competing with Hartley's strength.

He hated the way those evergreen eyes stared at him as if he were a ghost, no happiness in seeing him. No graceful smile, just as he adored to see sprawled across those soft lips of hers, subtly pink and constantly bruised.

He drew in a breath and rest his head back against the metal, wondering if she would forgive him this time.

Although his cynical nature told him she would not and could never, it would not have hurt her as badly if she didn't care. Wouldn't have been half the gash drawn across her front, wouldn't have considered jumping out of the drop ship and running after him, leaving Octavia and Finn behind, and most definitely wouldn't have thought about him every day if she didn't care.

And he'd thought about her too.

In those moments he thought would be his last as he sat across from Raven's broken body, luckily still breathing, Murphy thought about brave-hearted Althea. Remembered the way she'd spoken so gently to him, so kindly, as if he were not rude-lipped. And kissed him like she meant it.

She did. She meant it all.

He knew that. Althea didn't have a bad bone in her body capable of such deceit. So, as he sat across from her, he couldn't help but be curious as to what Althea did to get herself locked in here like him, a murderer.


Althea was barely awake when Finn came hurrying into the prisoner room, immediately going over to Bellamy and freeing him from the restrains bound at his wrists.

"And Althea," Bellamy said to Finn, nodding in her direction as he rubbed his wrists.

With the sound of her name, she looked in their direction, looking blankly at Finn as he cut her free and helped her to her feet.

"Where are we going?" She asked as she too rubbed her sore wrists. Not that the restraints were tight, they were just uncomfortable to be in for any long period of time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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