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Lilla had been left in charge of guarding the prisoners. A tedious job, but one that had to be done none the less. Complaining never got anyone anywhere in life, so she sucked it up and agreed to the role.

But, that role didn't have to be quite so tedious.

Not when she knew exactly how to make the very prisoners she guarded bite like hungry dogs with a few words.

Coming into the room, she pulled up a chair and sat down, stretching out her limps, letting the gun rest upon her thighs.

"If you've come in here to parade yourself, I'm not interested in you," The injured boy told her, a seriousness in him that just seemed like the perfect toy to play with.

"Not interested, huh?" Lilla rested her elbows on her knees as she peered closer at Murphy, her lips curling into a smirk that could rival his own, on a good day. "What? You got yourself a girlfriend?"

He glared at her, choosing not to reply. It was unfortunate that Lilla was the persistent type.

"And where is she now?"

"I don't know," He finally replied, grinding his teeth together. If he weren't restrained, he would've tipped her off that chair she sat upon as if it were a throne. Knock her down a peg or two. But she was a lot like him. Liked to dig beneath people's skin when the opportunity was presented. Murphy supposed being a guard saw many of those opportunities rise up.

"Wow, you must really love her," Lilla mocked, rolling her eyes, letting her head tilt to the side as she gazed at Bellamy, who'd remained silent in hopes she wouldn't pick on him. He was mistaken to hope such a thing. "What about you? Heard you lead 'em delinquents. Must've had the pick o' the lot."

"I remember you," Bellamy said, lifting his eyes to stare right into her, now dropped, face. "You were there when they took Octavia and floated my mother."

"I was," Lilla confirmed, a sudden shift in her demeanour. Her body sat stiff in the seat she had once lounged in with her position of power.


"What?" She looked at him lazily.

"Do you regret it? Tearing a family apart?" He asked her, boring into her with those darkened eyes, face shadowed in the dim light.

"Why would I regret doing my duty, Blake? You don't get special treatment for being in the guard. No one does," Lilla told him, folding her arms across her chest. "You would've done the same to me if I had been the one in your place."

"No, I wouldn't," Bellamy argued, face carved from stone.

"I find that hard to believe," Lilla challenged, standing from the chair, gun gripped in her right hand.

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