Shy But Daring #1: Sharing Music

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Bold - My gibberish nonesense.
Bold + Italic - Stuff that I want to emphasize for dramatic effect / To make you realize something / To make you guilty about something / Also my gibberish nonsense.
Italic - Character's thoughts

Future Future HoB: "Hi."

Future HoB: "This is a oneshot that I've wanted to publish for so long, but got too lazy to- este- had too much stuff on my hands to update. Now that I've finished it, I would like to gurantee that I'll continue this oneshot... series... negating the fact that it's a oneshot... huh. Oneshot Series.. what an oxymoron. Anyways, if you like it, then show it. Comment down-below if you want me to continue this work of 'art' and I'll force myself to get motivated by your incorrect sentence construction. Like geez, can't we use proper grammar, correct spelling, the right punctuations, appropriate capitalization, and a fitting tone? Like c'mon, guys. You can do it. Anyways, this 'short note' is going for too long, gotta cut it here!"

The Story:

"H-Hello, my name's Shyl ("Shee-l")... and I'm a bit shy. Please read this story from that one time I let a friend of mine listen to my type of music.. t-thank you..!"

It was recess time, Shyl was on her seat, which was at the third column and at the fourth row of the classroom seating arrangement. After she ate her snacks, she brought out her music player, put on her earphones, then quietly listened to her favorite song. Closing her eyes, she can feel all her worries escaping her body, in this world of beautiful and serene music, she can feel the calm beat echoing throughout her body.

She sighed in comfort.

And just when she thought it couldn't any get better, she was right, for she felt uncomfortable when she felt someone sit on the desk in front of her, watching her, observing her, peering at her.

She then gradually opened her eyes.

"Oh nooo..." She thought.

It was another female species- erm- another classmate of hers. A "close friend" she calls.

"H-Hello.. Yin ("Yee-n")." Shyl greeted.

"Hey'a, Shyl-y darling! What'cha doin'?"

Yin is Shyl's extrovert friend, an atheletic, cheery, and a happy person overall, who's satisfied with her life, never bothering to judge other people of their behavior or looks.

"Oh, here, listening to music." She answered.

"Can I hear it too?" Yin asked with a hint of excitement.

"Of course, I'll share my music with you. Please tell me what you think about it afterwards." Shyl said, but in her precious thoughts: "Oh no, someone's going to listen to the songs that I'm listening to, meaning she'll be able to analyze my taste in music and evaluate it according to her own taste, or in a very rare case, open-mindedly!"

"Okey-dokey!" Yin then put on the other earphone.

"But it's Yin, so I think it's okay.."

Shyl then played the first song in the playlist named "Favorites", which only consisted of five songs.

As the music played, Shyl was constantly looking at Yin. Yin's face was as if she was tortured for a ten times and just wanted to die, but no, she wants to finish this playlist, she needs to, even without knowing how many songs are left. For she.. is a true friend!

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