Chapter 9 - Restoring bonds

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***This chapter is dedicated to my brother and the bond that we share.***

Keven's POV

It took about 15 minutes for her to get back up the mountain and out of her gear. I know she's fuming at me, thus I get the silent treatment and vicious glares ... if looks could kill. We walk in silence to the car, anything I try to tell her now will be useless. Her fists are clenched and she's walking as far as possible from me with her face as white as snow except for the splash of red on her cheeks. I decided to just trail behind her, trying to decide should I be amused at her childish behavior or feel bad. I think a bit of both, but mostly the later. She's alive and kicking, I bet she even enjoyed it, but as the stubborn person she is, she will never admit that to me.

We got to the car a lot faster than when we walked away from it. The silence was killing me and there is a long drive a head of us.

"Azora, say something, anything." I can handle her screaming and kicking at me, which is what I expected, but this is just torture for me. She did not even look at me. She just turned her back to me even more and stared out the window.

"Come on it wasn't even that bad. You'll thank me for this one day, believe me." She just scoffs  and gave me a blank stare but her eyes told me the truth. She is definitely mad but just as I thought she would feel, she feels betrayed and probably still in disbelief that I was so cruel. My phone starts to ring and I can see Azora's eyes flash to my phone and saw the caller ID. It's Suzanna. Great just what I needed. I told her not to bother me but the moment she heard I'm spending the day with my sister she flipped.

~Flash back to very earlier that day~

"Are you insane? You want to spend the day with the person that abandoned you? What are you thinking Keven?" She just doesn't get it. Suzanne is very protective over me and after she found out how my sister left me she hated her ever since, even before they met.

"Suzanna, this is something I need, me, and I am going to do it. I know you don't like it but you haven't even given her a chance. She has changed I can see it and the longing in her eyes are there. She wants to reconnect ... she just doesn't know how to. That is why I am doing this and you are not to call me or text me for the whole day. I'll let you know when we are done and I'm on my way home."

"I can't believe this. You're actually going to forgive her for what she has done?"

"I already did ... a long time ago."

"But she hasn't even asked for forgiveness!" I know she doesn't get it. She has yet to still forgive her brother. I think that is why this is bothering her so much. She can't forgive him and now she's expecting me not to forgive Azora.

"I know, but sweetie it's not worth keeping a grudge. It's like a parasite eating you from the inside and you realize it when its too late. By then your heart have turned cold and hard like stone. I don't want that for you or for me..."  and with that I left to my parents' house leaving her in the living room with her mouth gaped open like a fish. Hopefully I gave her something to think about while I'm gone. She doesn't realize it but she is just as stubborn as my sister.

~Flash back ends~

I look down at my phone and decided just to ignore it. I did make a promise to Azora and I intend on keeping it.

Azora looked at me in surprise not expecting me to ignore Suzanna. "What? I made you a promise didn't I?" Before Azora could look away I saw the slightest of a smile on her lips, she is slowly starting to become herself again and that is a good thing, it gave me just a glimmer of hope for the conversation that is yet to come.

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