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For the first 4 periods Rowan followed me around and explained to me what I needed to do and where's the classrooms, which I already know.

Sailor, Rowan, and me walked into the cafeteria to get lunch. Rowan followed me around like a lost puppy so far and Sailor has been with me all day. She's really nice.

"What are you going to get?" Sailor asked as we moved up in line.

I skimmed the menu before answering. "Probably a burger, you?"

"A fruit salad and fries." I raised my eyebrow at her.


"That's a weird combination."

"Leave me alone, I'm on my period and I'm craving fruit and fries." She said while walking up in line.

"Fùck it, I'm getting a fruit salad too."

She smiled. "That's my girl."

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"Girls or boys?" Rowan suddenly asked as I sat down.

I looked up at her confused. "What?"

She turned towards me. "Do you like girls, boys, both, neither?"

"Girls..." I trailed off.

She nodded. "Me too. Most girls here are lesbians or at least bi or pan."

Wow, last time I went to an all girls school everyone there was homophobic.

"Then hopefully I will actually get a girlfriend." I say while reaching in my bag for my book.

"Good luck with that, most of them are cheerleaders and they only go for butch rich girls." She scoffed.

Well shit, I'm neither of those.

"I guess it looks like my chances of getting a girlfriend lowered to 50%."

"Why 50?" Rowan asked.

I shrugged. "There's a chance I won't get a girlfriend this year, and there's a chance that I won't."

She nodded just before Sailor sat down. Sailor gave Rowan a dirty look before setting down her books on the table.

Sailor leaned towards me and whispered, "why is she sitting here?"

"She was suppose to help me around today, and I don't know. I honestly don't care where she sits." I whispered back.

Sailor nodded and gave Rowan another odd look before opening her book.

Why does she hate Rowan so much? I mean, I hated her for a while because she made me wait over 20 minutes for her. I got over that though.


Sorry for the short chapter. I'll try to do a longer one later.

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