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Archie glared at me with a smirk on her face as Marina yelled at me.

"- It's still none of your business!" She finished yelling at me.

"Marina I don't lie. I'm offended that you actually think that low of me. Archie asked for my help, I gave her it. I wouldn't of helped her break up with Haven if I known she would mess around with her and lie about me. I came here to go to school, not to be involved in drama. If you guys keep acting like this then I'm moving out." When I finished I took a deep breath and glanced over at Archie. She looked pissed. Oh well, that's not my problem.

Marina gave me  a look. "That's a lie. You forced her too!"

I stood up and looked her in the eyes. "Why would I force her? Huh? Stop acting like I'm lying. I'm not. Stop acting like you're my mom because news flash, you're not. My parents paid for me to live here, not to be bossed around by you. So if you're gonna act like this to me then don't talk to me." I didn't wait for her reaction and walked to my room.

I can't believe Archie is acting like this. She breaks up with her but still fucks around with her.

I sat down on my bed and removed my shoes and socks. I threw my socks in the laundry bin and sat my shoes in the closet. I threw on some pajamas before laying in my bed. I put my phone on the charger before picking up my laptop from the nightstand and opening it.

I sat there for an hour or two looking at my social media before Archie walked in. I didn't bother glancing at her and continued to do what I was doing.

She picked out some clothes before going to change in the bathroom. She walked out and sat on her bed.

My phone buzzed causing her to look over curiously. I ignored her and picked my phone up.


Is everything okay?


It's alright. My roommate is just causing a lot of drama


The offers still up if you wanna move in with me


It's okay. My parents paid for me to be here so I'm going to just ignore all the drama. But I'll take that offer if it gets any worse


Oh. That's alright. But if you ever need somewhere to get away from them text me


Thank you


No problem

As soon as I sat my phone back down Archie started questioning me. "Who's that?"

I glared at her. "My friend."

She sat up. "Girl or boy?" She asked.

"Does it matter?"

"I'm just asking."

I groaned and rolled over so I faced the wall. "Girl."

"Do you like her?"

Oh my- can't she leave me alone?

"Does it even matter? I don't see why it does."

"Again I'm just asking."

"No comment."

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