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Its Friday night, the night of the sleep over. The week passed by quickly. Especially with Rowan after school. She's been helping me with some homework and then sometimes we go out to eat.

I don't really like eating back at the apartment. Archie is starting to get more angry at me since I've been ignoring her. If she wanted to talk to me so badly then she shouldn't of made up those lies and try to get me in trouble.

On the other hand, Haven has been bugging me constantly. She wants me to talk to Rowan for her. She saw her walk me home last week and has been questioning me about her constantly.

She doesn't even know the girl. Plus, it hasn't been that long since her and Archie broke up and I'm pretty sure they're back together. It's just confusing.

"Where are you going?" Archie asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders as I packed a bathing suit into my duffle bag.

"How do you not know where you're going?"

I shrugged my shoulders again. Lately, this has been my only reply to her questions.

"Ugh, when did you suddenly become mute?"

Again, I shrugged my shoulders.

She groaned, irritated but still didn't leave the room.

I zipped up my bag and slipped on a pair shoes. I knew Sailor was going to be here any minute so I had to be ready for her.

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed some deodorant and stashed it in my duffle bag. I had to use it this morning so I couldn't put it in the bag.


I heard my phone go off from the nightstand but Archie was already there and reading the text.

"What the hell is wrong with you, mind your own god damn business!" I snatched my phone away from her and looked at it.

I'm outside

Finally. I'm done with this place.

I picked up my bag and shoved my phone in my pocket before leaving the apartment.

"In here!" Sailor shouted from inside of her car.

I walked over to the passenger side of the car and opened the door.

"Just put your things in the back." She said as soon as I sat down.

I nodded and put behind my seat after shutting my door.

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