Chapter Three: In the darkness there is light

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Disclaimer: I think that by now you guys know that these characters are not mine. If they were I definitely would have a better computer than this. All characters are from the wonderful mind of JK Rowling. And written by Momma-dor

Here are the symbols for this chapter that you will need.

"" Talking out loud


Chapter Three: In the darkness there is a light

Albus Dumbledore stood in the doorway gaping Severus who looked like he had been running a marathon. He guessed that meant that Harry was awake.

"I assume that you are having some difficulties getting young Harry back to sleep?" He said chuckling.

Severus glared at the Headmaster, "He woke up when I was trying to change his clothes. And now he decides that he doesn't want to go back to sleep." He said clearly frustrated.

Albus couldn't help but to laugh out loud and this earned him another death glare from Severus. "Ah, welcome to the joys of parenthood." Albus followed Severus over to Harry's bedroom doorway to watch the child's interaction with Severus. He was surprised to see Harry sitting on the bed waiting expectantly for Severus's instructions.

Severus made sure that Harry was looking directly at him before he said anything. When he knew that Harry was paying attention to him he motioned for Harry to come to him along with saying it at the same time.

Harry watched Severus's hands and at the same time he concentrated on what the man was saying. Watching the mans mouth he saw what he was saying, "Harry, come over to me. There is someone that I want you to meet."

Harry looked over his shoulder at the old man with a very long beard and small glasses that was smiling at him.

Does this mean that I don't have to go to bed? Harry thought to himself or at least he that was what he thought.

Severus and Albus both gasped with shock, " Albus did you hear that too? Merlin please say that you did so that I know that I am not going crazy!" He turned and looked at the stunned wizard, who obviously was still in shock.

"ALBUS, did you hear me?" Severus said loudly getting the Headmasters attention.

"Yes Severus I did hear that. It would seem that there is more to our dear Harry than what we had assumed." He said his eyes twinkling like mad.

Albus walked around Severus and kneeled in front of Harry.

Blues eyes met emerald green, Harry, can you hear me?

Harry's eyes snapped wide open, Yes, how are you in my head? Harry thought, he was so happy that this man could talk to him. Who are you and

who is that man? Harry asked pointing to Severus.

Albus smiled gently, Harry, my name is Albus Dumbledore. I am the Headmaster of this school. And to answer your third question you are at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizarding. As for who was the man that got you and brought you here, I think that he would like to tell you himself.

Albus stood up and walked over to where Severus had remained standing. "He wants to know who you are. I think that after you tell him you should give him a calming potion so that he can sleep." He said to Severus quietly.

"After you get him back to bed I will be waiting for you there are some things that we need to talk about." Albus turned and walked toward his favorite chair.

Severus walked into Harry's room and sat on the bed beside the small boy.

He took a deep breath wondering how in the world he was going to tell Harry who he really was. He turned his body toward Harry so that they were face to face. He clasped Harry's small hand in his before he began to talk.

Harry, can you hear me? he asked Harry hoping that Albus was not the only one that could mind speak with Harry.

A small childish voice filled his mind. Yeah, who are you and why did you take me away from my house. Please tell me that I don't have to go back there anymore. Harry begged while his emerald eyes filled with unshed tears.

Severus gently wiped the tears away, First of all Harry, you will never have to go back and stay with them ever. Secondly what I am going to tell you is very important, I need you to listen to me carefully and let me say everything before you start asking me questions. Okay? He waited for Harry to say that he understood.

Harry sat there thinking at what the man had just said. Ok. he said simply.

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