Chapter 24: Confessions

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Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter or anything in the HP Universe.

Chapter 24: Confessions

It was late when Severus finally was able to sit down and really absorb what all had happened earlier in the evening. Too much had happened then for him to really take into consideration of what the events would eventually lead to.

Now that he had time to think Severus was curious. What was Salazar Slytherin's portrait doing in an unused portion of the dungeon and why had it never been found before today. He knew that before the night was over he would be back at the portrait to see if his hunch was correct.

Daylan was finally asleep courtesy of a calming and mild sleep potion added to his hot chocolate.

Severus had seen the Malfoy's out earlier with a sleeping Draco in Lucius's arms.

He pinched the bridge of his nose in an effort to stave off the impending headache. Sometimes he wished that for one day he could have a normal existence. Severus had often wondered if it would have been better to take Daylan to the manor and raise him there instead of at Hogwarts. Today was one of those days that made him want to pack all of their belongings and never look back.

A knock at the door startled Severus from his morose thoughts.

"Enter" he said tiredly.

Jocelyn peaked around the edge of the door and could see that Severus was exhausted. "I'll come back tomorrow if you're not up to company."

Severus shook his head, "No, please come in. A distraction would be welcomed." He took a sip of the now cold tea in his hand. Absently he used a wandless warming charm to make it drinkable once more. Had he really been sitting there that long brooding?

"That is good to hear, although I am not sure if being called a distraction is an insult to my character or not." Jocelyn smiled. It was a good sign that Severus was joking and not planning the easiest escape route.

"So are you planning on packing up and leaving?" Jocelyn joked as she followed Severus into the living room.

Severus smiled, was he really that easily read. "No, although the thought did cross my mind several times in the last couple of hours."

"Did you get Daylan to sleep without any problems?" Jocelyn asked as she slid into the overstuffed chair that was across from Severus.

Frowning at the memory, "I had to convince him to take a calming draught and a mild sleeping aid before he would go to sleep. I just hope that tonight will not be full of nightmares for him. It has been a while since he has had one." Severus replied as he continued to rub the sides of his throbbing temple.

Looking up he asked "Will you please go to my potions cabinet in the bathroom and get me a headache relief vial. It should be a light blue colored potion right in the front."

Jocelyn smiled slightly and walked to the bathroom. Opening up the cabinet door she saw a wide variety of potions and the headache relief was exactly were Severus said that it would be. Grabbing the small vial she walked back into the living room and silently handed Severus the potion.

Severus nodded gratefully and swallowed the potion and almost immediately the painful thumping in his head started to subside. "Thanks. I don't think that I would have been able to make it to the cabinet with out throwing up."

Jocelyn shook her head in amusement. "What made you change your mind about leaving the school with Daylan? I know that if I was in the same situation I would have probably left a long time ago."

"There are many things that make my decisions for me whether or not I agree with it. Things with me are complicated beyond all belief and now I have brought my son into it as well. And as much as I would like to explain more to you, I can't tell you as there are more lives at stake than just mine and Daylan's." Severus said morosely and then abruptly standing he held his hand out toward Jocelyn, gesturing for her to sit next to him.

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