Chapter Five: New Name

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Disclaimer: Nothing is mine.

Chapter Five: New Name

After Severus heard Harry say that he was his Daddy the tears began streaming down his face.

Don't cry Daddy. I am here now. Harry turned to face his father and put his small hands on his cheeks. I will take care of you.

Severus started laughing, I thought that was my job, after all I am the grown up.

Harry smiled and snuggled into his father's robes feeling safe and secure for the first time in his life. His eyes slowly drifted shut and his breathing evened out. Harry was asleep.

Severus noticed that his son had fallen asleep and carefully folded the blankets down on the bed. He laid the small sleeping boy down and tucked him in. Before leaving he brushed a small kiss on his forehead and walked out of the room.

When Severus walked out of the room he wasn't surprised to see Albus sitting in the recliner beside the fire. That was the chair that he always sat in when he wanted to talk to him.

Albus looked up at the man who had walked into the room and sat down on the couch across from him. " I see that you were able to get young Harry back to sleep."

" I tried to explain things to him as best as I could. I think that he understood everything." He sighed and let his head rest in his hands. " I told him in a round about way what had happened to Lily and why they were living with James. After I told him that his 'father' was still alive, he asked me if the reason he had to live with his aunt and uncle was because his 'father' didn't want him or love him anymore. I told him that his 'father' loved him more than life itself and he looked straight at me and said 'You're my Daddy'." Tears had started streaming down his face again and he tried to furiously swipe them away. " I never thought that I would get to hear my son call me Daddy."

Albus watched Severus reaching out his hand he laid it across the younger mans. " I can see how much this means to you and I am truly sorry that I couldn't give you Harry when you first brought him here that night. I wish that I could have been more of a help." He said sadly. " Now, what I needed to talk to you about was how you wanted to go about informing the staff of your son. We also need to figure out how Harry is going to learn magic, especially when he can't say the incantations or hear how they are supposed to be said."

Severus sat there for a few moments before he said anything. "I think that the first thing that we need to do is change his name back to what it was supposed to be. And then we can tell the rest of the staff." He sat back wondering how his colleagues would take the news that there savior was the offspring of their ruthless potions professor.

"What is your sons actual name? I only knew the name that Lily and James had come up with." Albus asked wondering how the staff was going to take this revelation about the boy known as 'Harry James Potter'.

Severus looked at the aged wizard and with a wide smile across his face he said proudly, " My sons name is Daylan Alexander Snape."

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