Chapter Sixteen: After the Surgery

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or and of his friends in the lovely universe that JK invented for us.
Chapter Sixteen: After the Surgery

Severus stood watching his son sleep. Daylan had been sleeping for the last three hours after he had taken a fever reducing potion for the flu virus that he had gotten from the rest of the school. It had been three months since Daylan had the cochlear implant surgery. The surgery had gone great and he had been able to bring him home the day after. Daylan had healed fine with out the aid of magic, and had gotten his speech processor turned on five weeks after the surgery. He had started going to speech therapy but really had no need for it, his telepathy had helped more than what they had originally thought. He had picked up verbal speech like he had never had a problem with it in the first place. In the end they had ending up forging his speech therapy papers and had oblivated the doctor.

Daylan was now the proud owner of Hi Res Auria ™ processor that fit snuggly behind his ear with the microphone barely visible. The headpiece held in place over the transplant magnetically. As long as Daylan wore his hair long as he himself did no one would ever be able to see the device.

Severus had been initially worried that it wouldn't work in Hogwarts because it worked by electrical impulses and electricity in any form could not work in the school. Albus fixed that problem as soon as he had been made aware of it with Jocelyn's help. She explained that she had simple charmed the implant to be impervious to magical interference and was planning on doing the same for Daylan's.

Daylan was slowly adjusting to speaking out loud instead of telepathically; he continued to use sign language with his tutors and with any of the other staff members. He was a totally different boy than what he was when he first brought him here. And he was glad for it.

Severus was brought sharply out of his reverie when he heard a sharp knock on the door. Walking swiftly to the door he opened it so that the knocking wouldn't wake Daylan.

Standing in his door way was none other than Lucius Malfoy and hiding behind his legs was his godson Draco. Merlin he hoped that Jocelyn stayed away from his quarters today.

"Hello Lucius, it has been a while." Severus said amicably opening the door further so that he could gesture them in. He watched as Draco offered him a small smile when he walked past him.

"Severus, yes it has been a while, at least a year." Lucius said as he stood near the fireplace his eyes fixed on the photo of Severus and Daylan.

"I have been hearing the strangest rumors lately but I have not held to much credit in them. After all I was sure that if you had son around Draco's age I would have heard of him before now." Lucius said simple as he turned to face Severus.

Severus stood still for a few seconds before he walked over to Lucius and grasped him around the upper arm. He then led him toward Daylan's room and opened the door.

Lucius gaped at the small boy lying on the bed in the middle of what was obviously a child's room. He was shocked. Why would Severus not tell him about the boy, especially seeing that he would be the boys godfather, as Severus was Draco's.

"There are things that where not known until earlier this summer and I am still trying to straighten things out." Severus said as he walked back into the living room. He and Albus had already worked out a story incase something like this would happen.

"Yes, the boy in there is my son. But he has only been in my care since early June." Severus said looking at Draco who was sitting on the floor occupying himself with one of Daylan's books that had been left laying on the floor.

Lucius was shocked to say the least. There was no doubt that the boy was Severus's, he could tell that by the glance at the picture on the mantel. "Why is now that you have him, where has he been?"

Severus took a deep breath, "I didn't know that he existed until I received a letter telling me to come and get him." He pinched the bridge of his nose, he wished that Daylan and Draco could have met sooner but things had just been so hectic. "His mother disappeared after giving birth to him and he was sent to an orphanage where they abused him, neglected him and treated him like a house elf." Before he could continue Lucius interrupted.

"Who was his mother?"

Severus glanced back up at Lucius; he had the perfect cover up for Daylan's mother. "She was a woman that I had met in London. I never saw her again after that night. She was from Greece and was in London trying to escape an arranged marriage." He said and then continued, "My guess is that her father probably found her and forced her to give up the baby so that he could still marry her off." There had been mentions of such things happening before in some to the pureblood families. The daughter would run off and get pregnant by another man in hopes that she could get out of the marriage. Most of the time if that happened then the father simply waited until the baby was born, took it to the orphanage and the marriage still went on.

"But why didn't you contact me and let me know once you got him?" Lucius asked still curious as to why Severus had kept the boy hidden from the general public.

"There was a lot of adapting and learning on his part and good bit adapting and a lot more learning on my part as well." Severus said pensively.

"What did you have to learn, its not like you didn't know who to take care of a child." Lucius asked rather confused.

"I had to learn Sign Language." Severus said bluntly, putting an end to Lucius's confusion. "When I brought him home, Poppy gave him a physical and she informed me that he was deaf."

Lucius was at a loss at what to say. Now he could understand Severus's reluctance at taking his son out in public, not so much for the fact that he was deaf but just for the fact that he probably had a lot of issues to work out with the boy first, especially since he had been abused.

"Is there anything that could be done for his hearing?" Lucius asked genuinely concerned. He glanced down at Draco and was thankful that he had always been perfectly healthy.

"A couple of months ago he had a muggle procedure done and it has made given him the ability to hear out of one ear. Not in the same way as we hear, but don't ask me to explain it because I don't understand it. He is slowly getting to the point where he isn't frightened to be around other people and the staff has been tutoring him in his lessons." Severus explained to Lucius.

They both sat in relative silence for several minutes before Draco's voice brought them out of their stupor.

"What's his name Uncle Sev?" Draco asked finally. He had been listening to his Dad and Uncle talk about the boy in the bedroom.

Severus smiled down at his godson, "His name is Daylan. And when he gets over the flu I am sure that he would love to meet you."

Just as Lucius was about to say something to Severus about arranging a play date for the two boys he heard the door bang open and heard a woman's voice calling out for Severus.

Severus jerked his head toward the door. She just had to come down now didn't she?

Jocelyn walked through the kitchen and headed for the living room. Poppy had sent her down with some more potions for Daylan. "Sev, I brought down more of the..." she stopped talking when she seen that Severus had company and who exactly it was.

She knew that it was her brother staring at her much the same way she was staring at him.

Lucius was stunned. He would never have believed it if he hadn't read his fathers journals. Of course his father never found that he had seen what he had so desperately tried to hide.

"I wondered if I would ever get to meet you," Lucius said calmly as he stood and advanced on Jocelyn. "Sister."

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