Chapter Fourteen: And the Truth Comes Out

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

Chapter Fourteen: And the Truth Comes Out

Severus stood in his doorway with his thinking of slow and cruel ways to torture Minerva. He could smell a set up a mile away and this reeked of it, although he had to give credit to her for trying.

"Come in. I suppose that your mother asked you to bring it down to me." Severus said to the flushing woman standing in the door rather embarrassed at being caught in her mother's schemes.

"Yes she did, but she didn't tell me why I was bringing it. And I am sure that you can imagine my reaction when she handed me a bottle of muggle liquid foundation." Jocelyn said as she followed Severus into his living room.

"Yes, I can imagine all of the things that you would be thinking of why I would need such a thing. But rest assured it will not be used for some nefarious purpose." Severus stood and walked toward his son's room. " There are some things that you should be made aware of about Daylan. I am sure that once you see why I wanted the makeup all the rest will become remarkable clear." He said as he sat on the edge of Daylan's bed. He was still asleep and Severus wanted to keep him that way so he quickly cast a sleeping charm of the sleeping child. He carefully brushed the black hair away from the recognizable scar.

"Oh My!" Jocelyn squeaked. "You weren't kidding when you said that it would become clear why you needed it." She watched as Severus lightly applied the makeup to the boy's forehead and after a few applications of it the scar was no longer visible.

Severus then cast a waterproof charm, a semi-permanent stay-put charm, and then a notice-me-not charm on the area covered with the makeup. Now for the ultimate test he thought to himself. He licked his thumb and rubbed it across where the scar was trying to see if it would become visible. It stayed hidden. He then looked behind him at the still in shock woman standing in the doorway.

"I suppose you would like to know what is going on?" He asked quietly and then turned back to Daylan and lifted the sleeping charm; he shifted a little but stayed asleep.

" Only if you think you should tell me. I just have one question really." Jocelyn said as she regained her senses. She followed Severus back into the living room and sat across from him on the couch. The fireplace crackled loudly in the silence of the room. Even with all the heat it was putting out she still felt chilled.

"What would that one question be? I will try and answer it truthfully if I am permitted to." Severus said as he sunk into his chair. Sitting in this chair always made him relax.

"Is he really your son?" Jocelyn asked bluntly.

Severus stifled a chuckle; she was definitely Minerva's child, bluntness and all. "Yes he is my son. Lily and I where married. James was a decoy to keep Lily safe. I was a Deatheater but I turned from it after I met Lily. I then started spying for Albus. It was not safe for Daylan to stay with me so we kept the ruse up that Daylan was James's son, and he was placed with Lily's muggle sister." He took a deep breath and then summoned a house elf.

After he ordered some tea for himself Jocelyn requested the same.

"Why didn't he stay at his Aunts?" Jocelyn asked as she quietly sipped her hot tea. She felt like her brain was being overloaded with information. Severus glared at his teacup before he answered her question.

" It came to our attention that he was not being cared for there. I went and retrieved him and when I brought him back Poppy examined him. It was then that we found out that he was deaf. Poppy thinks that with proper nutrition and a series of potions he may be able to gain his hearing back partially." Severus said watching Jocelyn out of the corner of his eyes. She looked thoughtful at everything that he had told her and had yet to start flipping out at his revelation that he had been a Deatheater.

"You ought to check with a muggle doctor first about his hearing. Potions may give him some of his hearing back but there is always the chance that he wouldn't react well with those especially at his age. We tried the series of potions with me but it only helped for a short time before my body became immune to them. It was then that we turned toward a muggle specialist.

I was a good candidate for the implants and I have never regretted having the surgery done. I can hear almost as well as you, the only problems that I tend to have is when I am in a crowded place it is hard to distinguish someone talking to me from the background noise. But that is when lip reading comes in handy." Jocelyn replied watching Severus become more and more interested in what she was saying.

"How would I be able to get a hold of one of these muggle specialists?" Severus asked very curious if Daylan would be able to receive these implants as well. This would definitely be something to look into.

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