Chapter 18

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters that you recognize in the Harry Potter Universe.

A/N: All of my reviewers have been absolutely amazing and I can't even begin to thank all of you. So here is a Thank you to all who has taken the time to say that you liked the chapter and that you are enjoying the story. I hope you all continue to give me feedback and I will continue writing as long as I can. Enjoy!

Chapter 18:

"What are you talking about, he can't be back!" Lucius whispered in a high panicked voice. Voldemort couldn't be back, Lucius had vowed the day that Draco was born that he would do everything in his power to make sure that his son never had to deal with what he did when he was in the service of the Dark Lord. He still had nightmares of all the past horrors that he had committed in the name of that monster. He would be damned if he let his son suffer his same fate.

Severus watched the emotions play over Lucius's normally stoic face. He could see exactly what he was thinking about and what was making him panic. Lucius didn't want Draco to make the same mistakes that he had made. He didn't want his son to live with the horrors and the remorse that he did for the rest of his life, it slowly ate at you from deep within. Severus dealt with the same think to a degree, after all there was only so many excuses that he could have used to get out of participating in the Dark Revels. What he did would haunt him for the rest of his life. And he knew that he would do anything and everything to protect his son. It had taken him too long to get him back, and he would be damned if he was going to loose him again.

"Lucius you knew as well as I did that it would be only a matter of time before he gathered enough power to come back." Severus said as he watched Lucius sink to the floor and gather Draco tightly in his arms.

Lucius looked up to his best friend. " I had thought, no, I had hoped that we would have more time. Time for Draco and Daylan to have a happy childhood; time to grow up with out being under the shadow of a madman."

Severus glanced over to where Jocelyn had slid down onto the floor and sat with her legs tucked under her. "We need to tell Albus, maybe he can tell us if there is anything that we can do to stop him from regaining his full power... stop the horror before it starts." He leaned his head down toward the sleeping boy still curled up in his arms and kissed his forehead gently.

"Jocelyn, you stay here with the boys and Lucius and I will go and get Dumbledore. He will probably want to talk to Daylan." Severus said as he stood quickly from the bed. Lucius nodded and walked Draco over to Jocelyn who was still sitting on the floor. Amazingly Draco curled up in her lap before Lucius could say anything to him.

Lucius watched his son in shock and then his eyes were drawn to Jocelyn's. "He isn't very trusting toward people he has just met and I think that this is the first time that I have ever seen him do anything like this."

Jocelyn just smiled and softly stroked Draco's downy soft blonde hair and gently tucked a strand behind his ear. "Deep down he knows that I am family, the same way that as soon as you saw me you knew who I was." Jocelyn smiled her eyes lighting up with happiness. "Probably has something to do with the High Elves that are in our family line."

Lucius smiled back at his sister. "I see that you have looked into the family line, remind me before I leave to show you a book that Dumbledore has. I learned more from that book than I did from the family books."

Severus shook his head and yanked Lucius toward the door, "Family reunions later, Dumbledore now." He said as he and Lucius walked toward the door.

Severus walked quickly out the corridor and strode purposefully toward Albus's office, his cloak billowing dramatically out behind him.

Lucius walked quickly up behind him and whispered in his ear " Its no wonder people think that you are a bloody vampire with the way that you stalk around the hallways with your cloak billowing out like that." He said snickering quietly but stopped and sobered immediately at his best friends glare and quick reminder at exactly what they were going to Albus about.

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