Chapter Nine: To be a good father

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Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter.

Chapter Nine: To be a good father

Severus walked back out into his living room after laying Daylan down in his bed. He noticed that Albus was standing at the entrance door telling Minerva good night. He still couldn't get over the fact that he finally had his son back. He was going to make sure that Daylan had everything that he would ever need. His mind was still reeling with all of the information that Minerva had told him and Albus. He couldn't believe that her daughter was Lucius's half sister. Merlin it was a small world.

Albus had just walked back in to the living room and sat back down in the chair that he had been sitting in when Severus walked back in from the kitchen with a cup of tea. Accepting it graciously he took a small sip and smiled. "I see you remembered how I like my tea." He took another small sip before continuing. "Do you plan on telling Miss Jocelyn who Daylan was before you where able to get him back in your care?" Albus had a slight notion that this was going to be a very special woman in Severus's life, not just Daylan's.

Severus sighed as he sat heavily down in his chair. "I think that I will eventually tell her. I think that she will have to know everything about Daylan in order to help him as much as she can." He stared unblinkingly into the fire. "Is Daylan going to be able to take his lessons here?" He asked quietly hoping that his son would not have to be shipped off to a special school.

" I was thinking that once he has a firm grip on everything that he will be able to take lessons from the rest of the staff. I know that Minerva is qualified to teach English and Science, and if I am not mistaken I think that Filius is quite proficient in teaching math. And I am sure that you would want to introduce him to Potions as soon as you possibly can." Albus said grinning widely.

Severus couldn't contain his smile. It was true he was looking forward to teaching his son. He still was terrified of being a father, he didn't have a very good father figure growing up and he hoped that he would be able to learn from his father's mistakes. Of course having Albus as a father figure now certainly helped a lot. "I am so afraid that I will mess something up, I don't know how to be a father." He said looked up at the older man sitting across from him.

"Severus, I can assure you that you are going to be a fine father. Just think of it this way. No matter how difficult it may get and how alone you may feel, you will always have your colleagues that you can look to for help. I know that they all will be delighted in helping you with Daylan. After all it has been a long time since there has been a small child here at Hogwarts." Albus said with a knowing smile. "Now I think that I will be heading back to bed myself, I am sure that you have a lot to think about so I will bid you goodnight and I expect to see you and Daylan in the Great Hall for breakfast." Albus said as he stood and walked toward the door. Just as he was about to open the door to leave Severus's voice stopped him in mid stride.

"Thank you Albus, for letting me bring my son home." Severus said his voice think with unshed tears.

Albus smiled a small sad smile. "I just wished that he could have come home sooner."

That next morning Severus was awakened by something tugging on his shirt. He groggily opened his eyes and looked down at the child that was staring at him with wide emerald green eyes.

I'm hungry. Daylan said his childish voice timid in Severus's mind.

Severus smiled warmly at his son and then looked at his bedside clock. It read 6:30 am. Daylan, it is still too early for us to go and eat breakfast in the Great Hall with the rest of the staff. Is there anything that you would want to do in the meantime? Severus asked trying to keep from yawning. He hadn't got to sleep until sometime around 4:00.

Daylan looked shyly at the floor, Can I get in bed with you? He asked, he remembered never being let in his aunt and uncles room. Dudley always got to cuddle with his mum and dad, but he wasn't allowed to even touch them. He just hoped with all of his heart that his dad wouldn't turn him away. He needed to be hugged by his daddy; the reason that he had woken up so early wasn't because he was hungry. It was because he had that bad dream again.

The one where the red-eyed man had made a bright green light hit him in the head. He had always had that dream, ever since he could remember. It had always made him really scared. He thought that if his daddy would hold him the bad man would go away in his dreams.

Severus smiled at his son's request; he remembered that was something that he himself had always wanted as a child. He lifted up the corner of the blanket and motioned for Daylan to crawl in. Yes, you can always come to me if you need me.

Daylan looked at his daddy hopefully, Even when I have a bad dream?

Severus smiled and pulled his son in close. Especially if you have a bad dream.

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