Chapter Six: A Shocking Revelation

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Disclaimer: Characters are not mine, although I like to pretend they are.

Chapter Six: A Shocking Revelation

Albus looked at the proud father and started laughing. " I never dreamed that I would ever get to see that look on your face." He said still chuckling.

Severus gave him an exasperated look, " Are you saying that I don't have a legitimate reason to be proud now?" he asked jokingly.

" How do you want to go about telling the staff of Harry's or I should say Daylan's identity and his condition. I realize that this seems like a lot to handle right now but the sooner that it is done the better." Albus told him gently.

Severus sat there wondering how in the world was he going to tell his colleagues who his son is. "Merlin, why does everything need to be so confusing? I really don't know what to say. Are you going to have the staff learn sigh language so that they will be able to talk to Daylan?" Severus sat back and ran his hand tiredly through his long silky hair.

Albus looked at Severus with his blue eyes twinkling like mad. " I think that you should just flat say that Harry Potter is your son and tell them what his name really is. They will either accept it or not. But you can't expect to please everyone now can you." He shifted in the chair so that he was sitting closer to the edge, " Yes I am going to tell the staff that they are required to learn sign language for Daylan's sake. Although I am pretty sure that Minerva already knows the basics."

"That brings up another thing that we need to talk about." Severus sighed, "How is Harry going to be able to learn magic if he can't hear how to say the spells correctly. I don't even know if he has been taught on how to use his voice." He said dejectedly, how was his son going to be able to function in this world? He wanted to make sure that his son had the best he deserved it.

Albus sat and watched the array of emotions flash across Severus's face. "I don't think that Daylan will have any difficulties with his magic, I think that he will be able to use his telepathic abilities to compensate for not hearing how to say them correctly. That is just a guess mind you. It is really hard to tell on these things." He said airily.

"How are we going to find out?" Severus asked almost afraid at what the Headmaster would say.

"I say we just give him a wand and see what happens." Albus said chuckling at Severus's expression.

"You can't be serious!" he looked at Albus and seen that damnable twinkle in his eyes. "Merlin, you are serious." He groaned. "Now we need to figure out what I am going to say at the staff meeting tomorrow."

Albus rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Are you planning on telling what Daylan's former identity was? It is totally up to you I will be behind you no matter what your decision will be."

Severus sat there for the longest time before he spoke again. " They don't need to know right now except Minerva. Daylan will need a positive female figure in his life and I would trust no one but Minerva."

Albus started laughing at this statement. " I am sure that she would have never imagined that you would hold her in such high regards. If you would like to we could ask her to come down now so that you could tell her without worrying that someone would hear you."

" I think that would be a good idea. Do you think that you could explain the circumstances to Poppy? She will undoubtedly need to know the truth if she is going to his primary doctor."

Severus looked at Albus to see what his reaction was going to be at having to tell the Medi- witch, it would not be a pretty site.

"Should I put her in a full body bind before I tell her, or do you think that would be too drastic?" Albus asked with mock innocence.

Severus snorted, "Too drastic, how about too lenient." They both were still laughing when Albus went to the fireplace to call Minerva.

He threw a handful of powder in the fire and asked for "Minerva McGonagall" a few seconds later her head appeared in the fire. " Was there something that you needed Albus?" she asked the Headmaster.

"I need you to come down to Severus's chambers. There is an important matter that you need to be made aware of." Albus said calmly. Severus sat there and wondered how he should tell Minerva with out her jumping to conclusions.

"I would suggest starting at the beginning. That is usually that best course of action." He smiled, the twinkle in his eyes were back.

Severus's sneered at the Headmaster, I swear the old coot can read minds he thought furiously to himself. Now just to sit here and wait for the Head of Gryffindor house to enter the lair of the Head of Slytherins.

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