Chapter Fifteen: Around the Castle

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or anything in this wonderful universe. Though I wish I did.

Chapter Fifteen: Around the Castle

It wasn't until around Daylan's birthday that it finally came to Minister Fudge's attention that Harry Potter had been removed from his Muggle relative's home. He had come to Hogwarts and demanded that Dumbledore tell him where the boy was. Severus and Albus had come up with a simple solution.

They simply would say that they had no idea what Cornelius was talking about and tell him that it was up to the Minister to find the Potter boy. Fudge managed to keep the news that Harry Potter was missing out of the papers for two days before someone had leaked to the press. He finally admitted that he had no idea where the boy was but he assured the public that he would find the little lost boy.

That had been close to three months ago. The news had died down and soon it would be something that people would loose interest in at least that was what they hoped would happen.

Over the next few months Hogwarts had started back up and the students had returned. Daylan would eat with his father in the Great Hall and would occasionally be found sitting behind his father's desk on a blanket coloring or playing with some toys during the afternoon potions classes. Not much was known about Daylan, although it was widely believed and accepted that he was the Head of Slytherin's son. Jocelyn and the rest of the staff continued tutoring Daylan and had been amazed at how quickly he was catching up. He was now where he should be for his age.

The staff found out the hard way that just because Daylan couldn't speak that didn't stop him from performing magic.

Filius Flitwick had been tutoring the boy in Math one morning when a towering stack of charms books started to topple over. Daylan not wanting the books to fall onto the small teacher raised his hand up as if to catch the books but instead a wave of magic left his hand and steadied the stack of books.

Filius being so surprised at the amount of power that the child had used toppled off of his chair in shock. Daylan thinking that he had done something wrong immediately shifted into a wolf pup and curled up into a ball anticipating a violent reaction. Filius had realized what had happened immediately. Severus had talked to all of the staff that would be teaching Daylan and had told them of his unusual defense mechanism.

Even though he had been told of Daylan's animagus ability seeing it was an entirely different matter. Filius had tried to hold in his excitement as he walked slowly up to Daylan so as not to startle him. He then had gently picked the trembling ball of fur up and held him tight to his chest. He had started petting his head slowly and soothingly as he had walked out of the room and headed toward Severus's office.

It had taken close to seven hours to get Daylan to transform back into a child. Severus had shifted himself into his wolf animagus form and had curled up around his son. The whole time trying to reassure Daylan that nothing was going to happen to him and that he had done nothing wrong.

After that incident Daylan had stayed extremely close to Severus as all times, only leaving his side when he had to go to his own tutoring sessions. All in all the staff felt that Daylan was finally starting to heal after his life of abuse and neglect.

At the present time Severus had been pacing his quarters for the past hour and a half. He had taken Jocelyn's advice and had contacted the muggle specialist she had told him about. He and Jocelyn had taken Daylan the month before to see the specialist and he was now waiting for a reply on what his son's chances where that he would benefit from the procedure. He had gotten a call from the office earlier from the receptionist telling him to expect a call from the doctor around five. He looked back down at the offending object that was such a staple in the Muggle world.

The telephone.

He had a hell of a time convincing the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office that his having a telephone in his quarters did not breach the statute of secrecy. It took him too long getting the blasted thing in here, he'd be damned if some bureaucratic idiot told him he wasn't allowed to use it.

He was just about ready to continue his mental ranting when the phone rang. He glanced up at the clock. It was five sharp.

He picked up the receiver cautiously and held it to his ear, "Hello?"

"Hello, this is Doctor Morrison. I was calling to speak with Severus Snape about his son's appointment last month." Dr. Morrison said.

Severus took in a deep breath, "This is he." He said anxiously.

"Good, I was just calling you to tell you that the results have come back from your sons tests and we believe that he will benefit wonderfully from the cochlear implants. If you would like I could set you up with an appointment to get this underway." The doctor said from the other end of the line.

Severus let out the breath he had been holding and tried to keep from shouting with happiness. "That would be great. The sooner the better."

"Great, how about next week on Thursday afternoon at around 1:00?" The Doctor replied.

Severus jotted the time and day down and after telling the doctor that it was fine he hung up and then dropped unceremoniously into his chair. He needed to go and let Albus know that he needed to find someone to take over his classes for the next week and a half. He stood up abruptly and walked out the door headed toward Albus's office to tell him to good news, but first he stopped and picked up Harry from Jocelyn's office. After telling her the good news she said that she would walk up to Albus's office with the two of them.

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