Chapter 7: What is it that you wanted to tell me?

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Disclaimer: I own none of the Harry Potter characters, though I wish that I did.

Chapter 7: What is it that you wanted to tell me?

Minerva was walking down the hall toward the dungeons. It had only been a couple of minutes since Albus had told her that she needed to go down to Severus's chambers for a private discussion. She could only guess as to what was going on. She absently rubbed her arms together in order to ward off the chill that seemed to have settled around her body. It was always rather cold down here; she couldn't understand how Severus could stand the cold temperature or the gloominess at that. She was just about ready to start down the hallway that led to Severus's private chambers when a small child ran straight into her at full speed.

"Oh child I am sorry." Minerva said apologizing to the raven-haired child as she helped him back onto his feet. Just as she was getting ready to ask the boy what his name was she heard running footsteps coming from the direction of Severus's chambers.

She glanced down the hall and saw a very rumpled looking Severus Snape and a highly amused Albus Dumbledore following slowly behind.

"Is he the reason that you had me rush down here at one o'clock in the morning?" She asked Severus as he scooped up the small boy. She smiled when she saw how hard the boy was struggling to get away. The child's shoulder length black hair fell messily into his face making it hard for Minerva to see clearly what the boy looked like, or for that matter who he looked like. She looked back up at Severus and he motioned for her to follow him down to his chambers.

Several Minutes Before

Severus was tired, only a few moments before he had been trying to get Daylan to lie back down in bed. It had seemed too easy when he had gotten back into the bed with no complaint. Not two minutes after he had turned to light he had heard Daylan creeping out of his room. When he had turned toward Daylan a childish voice whispered in his mind, I'm really not sleepy, can't I stay up with you?

Severus had said sternly but with a caring tone. When he had looked into Daylan's eyes he saw the fire flare up in them defiantly, then he did what he had expected him to do. He had darted out the door. And then that was when the chase had started. After ten minutes of chasing a very fast five year old around his chambers hallways it was Minerva's timely arrival that had stopped them from progressing into the main corridors of Hogwarts.

Now Daylan was safely cradled in his arms as they made their way back toward his chambers with Minerva and Albus following closely behind.

When they settled back in Severus's chambers Minerva looked expectantly from Albus to Severus wait for one of them to fill her in on what was going on.

"Well are either of you going to tell me what is going on or are you going to just let me start guessing hoping that I will get it right?" Minerva asked as she folded her hands into her lap. She looked at the child that was still buried in Severus's robes but his face was still hidden from view.

Severus glanced over at Albus and seen that he was not going to get any help from him turned back to face Minerva. "This child that is in my lap is my son. His name is Daylan Alexander Snape, but I am sure that you would recognize him as a child by another name." Seeing that he had clearly confused Minerva he knew that the only way that he was going to get anything across to her was for her to see Daylan's face. He shifted Daylan's sleeping form so that his face was visible to Minerva and brushed the hair away from the infamous lightning bolt scar that would clearly identify him to her.

Minerva gasped, "Merlin's ghost that is Harry Potter! You are saying that Harry Potter is your son, that is outrageous Lily would never cheat on her husband!" she shouted loudly. Not noticing that her screaming had not affected the boy in Severus's lap.

"You are quite right that Lily would never cheat on me. And I would hope to god that she would not have cheated on me with our best friend." Severus seeing that she was slowly starting to understand what he was saying took the opportunity to finish the tale of what had truly happened and why He had gone and taken Daylan from those damn Muggles. Now he thought was the time to drop the bombshell. "There is something that you and the rest of the staff need to be made aware of about Daylan." Severus took a deep breath and wondered how Minerva was going to take this last bit of news.

" Daylan is deaf. It was caused by getting hit with the Killing Curse." He sat there waiting for some sort of pity party for his sleeping son but was surprised when Minerva started talking again.

"That's why he didn't wake up when I started shouting. Has he shown any signs of being telepathic?" She asked solemnly.

"Yes, this evening he could talk to myself and the Headmaster through mindspeech. But I don't understand, how would you have known that even Albus didn't know." Severus asked quite startled.

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