Chapter Twelve: Meetings and Beginnings

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Chapter Twelve: Meetings and Beginnings

Albus Dumbledore was sitting in his office shifting through the mountainous paperwork that had managed to pile up unsuspectingly.

Cornelius Fudge was one of the most incompetent wizards that he had ever had the pleasure of dealing with. How that man ever had won the election for minister was beyond him, he was still amazed that the man had ever graduated from Hogwarts. Sealing another letter to the illustrious minister he settled down to read a letter that a students parent had sent in regards to the newly changed age restriction on the visits to Hogsmead when he heard someone knock timidly on his door. Glancing up at the plaque mounted on the wall beside the door he saw that Minerva's daughter had arrived.

Jocelyn nervously knocked on the door leading to the Headmasters office. It would be the first time meeting the infamous Albus Dumbledore, the man that her mother had told tales about since she was a small child. When the door opened she slowly walked in glancing around the office with wonder. The pup that she still held firmly in her arms started squirming and she set it down on the floor beside her.

"I found him on the way up here, does he belong to one of the students or professors?" Jocelyn asked while watching the puppy sit absolutely still beside her feet. She looked up into the Headmasters face.

"I can honestly say that I have never seen this fellow around here before. Students are only allowed to bring a cat, owl, toad, or bat with them as familiars. And as for the staff, I don't believe that any of them have acquired any pets recently." Albus said quietly as he studied the strange puppy on the floor. He had the distinct feeling that there was something familiar about this animal, but he couldn't put his finger on it at the moment. Looking back up at the young lady in front of him he continued, "Now, I was curious as to how you were able to hear me answer your question and how you were able to speak as well as you did. I was under the impression that you relied on your gift of telepathy for communication."

Jocelyn smiled lightly at the Headmaster, "I could hear you because I have been a recent recipient of a muggle surgical procedure that has corrected my hearing to a degree that I am able to hear and speak without many problems." She answered as she reached down to pet the pup on the head.

Noticing that he was trembling she scooped him up in her arms once again and cradled him close to her chest hopefully making the poor thing feel a little less afraid.

"A muggle procedure you say? Could you tell me a little more about it?" Albus asked his curiosity rearing its head.

"Well, basically I had a cochlear-implant surgically placed in my ears...." Jocelyn began explaining to the very curious Albus Dumbledore. She didn't notice that the black pup had slunk over into a darkened corner and sat huddled in a ball.

Daylan was frightened. He didn't know who the woman was that had picked him up but he recognized the man as the one that was in his daddy's rooms last night when he woke up. He was scared because he knew that wherever his Daddy was he was going to be really mad at him. Daylan just hoped that he didn't punish him like his uncle did. Just as he was getting ready find a way to sneak out of the room his Daddy and another strange woman burst into the room. His Daddy didn't look mad though; he looked like he was scared. But why would he be scared? Daylan looked at the woman that had came into the room with his Daddy. He sniffed the air and something strange. He smelled a CAT! Wait a second, Daylan thought to himself. There are no cats in here. It was only when that woman came in he could smell it. Huh, that was really weird he thought to himself.

"Severus, slow down and repeat what you just said. I couldn't understand a word that you just said." Albus said trying to calm the panicking man.

" Daylan is gone." Severus blurted out, not even noticing the blonde haired woman sitting in front of Albus's desk.

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