Chapter 8: Minerva's Secret

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and friends. Now it's your turn, repeat after me: I do not own Harry Potter and friends. Ok no that's done.

Chapter 8: Minerva's Secret

Severus sat there in obvious shock. How would Minerva know to ask if Daylan had shown any telepathic abilities? " Are you going to explain to us how you would know that?" He asked earnestly.

Minerva looked down at her hands. "Before I started teaching here I got caught up in a whirl wind romance that was doomed from the beginning. I was young and careless and did not realize that the man that I had fallen in love with was married. Not long after we started seeing each other I found out that I was pregnant, when I told him about the baby he got very angry. He told me that I was to get rid of it. No one could know that he had a bastard child out there. It would ruin his marriage and his life, he said. So I left England and went to Italy and stayed with my aunt." She paused and took another deep breath.

"When my daughter was born she was the light of my life. When she was two months old I found out that she was deaf. I thought that she would never get the chance of living in our world and I was crushed. But when Jocelyn turned three I got the shock of my life, she was telepathic. When I took her to a Mediwitch she told me that it was not that uncommon for magical children to display rare talents to compensate their disabilities. She stayed with my aunt when I came here to teach. I never told anyone that I had a daughter.

She will be thirty-one next month. She knows who her father is even if he doesn't know that she exists." She said tears streaming down her face. It was the first time in over thirty years that she had told that tale to anyone, and it was still hard to do so.

Albus looked at Minerva kindly, " If you don't think it to be too painful could you tell us who the father is. If you don't want to we would understand."

Minerva took a deep breath; she needed to tell someone the truth had been locked up for too long. "Jocelyn's father is William Malfoy, Lucius is her half-brother."

Needless to say Severus was shocked. To find out that Minerva had a daughter that was his age was one thing; it was mind blowing to find out that the woman's father was William Malfoy.

"If you thought that it would help I will contact my daughter and see if she would come and help tutor Har... Daylan so that he is up do speed with others his age." Minerva said think that she Jocelyn would probably be the best person to tutor the young boy. "I imagine that it would probably be easier for her to teach him sign language and also to help with develop his telepathic abilities." She wanted to be able to help this child as much as she was able to help her own.

Albus looked at Severus and saw that he nodded his head in ascent. " Yes Minerva I think that would be a delightful idea. I think that we could all learn from your daughter. I will arrange for secure transportation here to the school. I imagine that she would like to stay in your own quarters; I will make sure that the house-elfs prepare a room for her." Albus said the twinkle evident in his eyes.

"Thank you Minerva, you don't know how much this means to me and Daylan. I think he will benefit tremendously from your daughter being here." Severus said quietly gracing Minerva with one of his rare true smiles.

Daylan at that time decided to shift in his father's arms again trying to get comfortable. "I need to get this young man to bed. It has been a long and trying night." He said as he stood and walked toward Daylan's bedroom door. He laid his sleeping son on the bed and pulled the covers up around his small shoulders. With a flick of his wrist and a few choice words he cast a warming charm on the blankets and then he placed a small kiss on his forehead. As he was walking away Daylan's quiet voice filled his head.

I love you Daddy. He said in a sleepy voice.

Severus smiled. I love you too my sweet child, now back to sleep and I will see you in the morning. He was still in awe of his son's telepathy and it would definitely would take getting used to Daylan's voice talking to him in his head. He turned and flipped the light off as he walked out the door.

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