Chapter Ten: The Bad Thing

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and friends.

Chapter Ten: The Bad Thing

Severus woke up again about an hour after Daylan had lain down with him. He glanced down at his son and smiled. Daylan was curled up in a little ball with his head tucked under his arm with his little thumb lying in his mouth.

Severus felt his heart beating in his chest and he was overcome with a surge of happiness. His son was finally home for good. Severus scooted away from Daylan slowly so that he didn't wake the sleeping child. Sitting on the edge of his bed he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Today would be the first time that the rest of the staff would get to meet his son.

They would only know him as Daylan Alexander Snape.

Minerva was the only other staff member besides Dumbledore that would know that he was once Harry Potter. It was safer this way. He hated deceiving his colleges but his son's safety was more important. He stood slowly and made his way to the bathroom, he wanted to get a quick shower before they had to be at breakfast. He turned a cast a quick alert charm on Daylan so that he would know when he woke up.

Stepping into the shower he let the hot water hit him, he could feel his muscles unclenching as the water hit his back. It was going to be a long day; he just hoped that it wouldn't be overly taxing for Daylan. He picked up the shampoo bottle and poured a liberal amount onto his hands. Massaging the shampoo through his hair he let his thoughts drift to the woman that was going to be tutoring his son. He wondered what she looked like and how Daylan would react to her.

As he was rinsing the soap out of his hair the alert charm brought him out of his musings. Daylan was waking up. Finishing up quickly he shut the tap off and stepped out of the shower. He cast a drying charm on his hair and body and shrugged on his robes.

Daddy, where are you? Severus heard Daylan's timid voice echo through his mind.

I'm in the bathroom Daylan. He sent back to Daylan. You need to come and get a bath before we go and eat up in the Great Hall. Severus stepped back into his room and saw Daylan cuddled up in the blankets.

No! I don't wanna take a bath. Daylan said with his lower lip jutting out defiantly and sliding down into the blankets further.

I can still see you. And yes, you are going to get a bath. Severus said scooping the small boy up into his arms and carrying him to the bathroom.

Can you take a bath yourself or do I need to help you? He said as he laid a clean towel on the sink.

I can take a bath all by myself. Daylan said crossing his arms across his chest.

Fine, I will be back in five minutes to check and make sure that you are clean. He leaned over the bathtub and started the water. After he made sure that the water wasn't to hot he filled it up a quarter adding a potion to the water to make it turn blue and smell of sandalwood. Seeing a good amount of bubbles filling the tub turned the tap off. Five minutes. Severus said to the small boy standing beside the tub.

Do you need help getting undressed? He knew that buttons where exceptionally difficult for little hands. Severus watched as Daylan dropped his head and nodded his head yes.

Daylan, there is no reason to feel ashamed for needing help. All little boys need help sometimes, and big people need help sometimes too.

Daylan looked at him in amazement. Even you need help sometimes too? As if it was something extraordinary for him to need help.

Yes, even I need help sometimes. He chuckled at his son's bewildered expression on his face. Enough dawdling, into the tub. Severus reached down and helped the smaller hands unbutton the pajamas and pull them up over his head. He then took the dirty clothes and walked back out of the bathroom. Severus waited almost ten minutes before he walked back into the bathroom to check and make sure that Daylan had cleaned himself adequately. Daylan was climbing out of the tub when he opened the door.

He watched as Daylan let the water out of the tub his back to him. What he saw on his son's back made Severus see red.

Thin white lines stood out starkly against the young child's tanned skin. He couldn't even begin to count at how many there were, they ranged in length and width. He had seen these same types of scars on one of his Slytherins before. She had been the only daughter of an inner circle Deatheater. Being the youngest of three she was viewed as expendable and was often at the receiving end of her fathers violent rages. His favorite instrument for venting his anger was a leather belt with a metal buckle.

To see these same scars on his only son's back made him feel anger that he hadn't known that he possessed. Trying to calm down he turned his son to face him.

Daylan, what happened to your back? He asked slowly trying not to let his anger slip through. He watched as Daylan unconsciously took a step away from him. It broke his heart to see fear in his son's eyes, fear of punishment and rejection.

I got punished. I did the bad thing. Daylan replied fearfully, and backed himself into the corner. He slid down the wall and pulled his knees to his chest, making himself as small as possible.

Severus watched his son in shock. Daylan my boy, its ok. I'm not angry with you. He reached up grabbed the fluffy towel and held it out to the small child. Here, lets get you dried off. And then you can tell me all about what happened.

Daylan slowly scooted over to his daddy and let him wrap him up in the warm towel. He laid his head on his daddy's shoulder and he felt himself being picked up.

Severus gave Daylan some clothes to put on and waited patiently for him to dress. He then sat down on the bed and waited for Daylan to sit with him.

When he did Severus asked the question again. What happened?

Daylan shifted nervously beside his Daddy, what if he thought he was bad too? He didn't want to tell his Daddy that he did bad things; he didn't want to get sent away again.

Daylan, its ok I am not going to be mad at you. You can tell me anything. Severus said trying to reassure his small son.

Daylan looked up into his Daddy's eyes and seen that he was telling the truth. I got punished with the belt because I did the bad thing. Uncle Vernon thinks in his head that he has to punish me because I am evil and a freak and not normal. And when I did the bad thing he got really mad and started hitting me with his belt. This time it was with the end with the metal thing on it, it hurt so bad Daddy! Daylan started bawling at the memory of the pain and clung to his Daddy's robes hoping that he would never let go.

Shush, its ok now. He can't hurt you anymore; I'll protect you from now on. Severus held onto Daylan firmly as he rocked back in forth comforting the small boy. Daylan, what it the bad thing that you did. Can you show me? I am sure that it isn't really a bad thing; all little boy wizards do things with their magic sometimes.

Daylan glanced up at his Daddy and decided that he would show him the bad thing. Maybe it wasn't bad after all. He climbed out of his Daddy's lap and stood on the floor in front of him. Closing his eyes he concentrated.

Severus watched as his son closed his eyes tightly and then suddenly he changed. His mouth hanging open Severus just stared. In place of his son there was a small black wolf pup with piercing emerald eyes and a faint white lightening bolt on his head.

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