Chapter 19: I Think It's Prudence

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Disclaimer: I do not own Beetlejuice or related characters, he belongs to Tim Burton. I do not own Beetlegeuse. I don't own Betelgeuse? I don't own any of the weird spellings for his name.


Written By: Melanie Ray

Chapter Nineteen: I Think It's Prudence


Sucked. Benny looked over toward Kathleen again. So close, yet so far. Even though he'd only moved in two weeks ago, he was already closer to her than any girl his age. He wasn't exactly a prince charming with the ladies. With Kathleen though, the more he acted like himself, the more she gravitated toward him.

His mom would freak if she even knew he was trying to get her to go out as more than a friend. She'd assume Kathleen was manipulating him into becoming the dad or something. It wasn't like that though. She kept him in the friend zone, no matter what. Even though she seemed to meld with him, at the same time, it was the reason they went so well together that . . . they could probably never be together.

He reminded her of her old friend. He doubted it though, the way she dreamily described him at times. Friends didn't talk about each other that way. Whether it was one way or not, she was definitely in love with the old friend he reminded her of.

At first, it seemed like such a good thing. How easy was it to get close to a girl when another guy did all the work? Well, it wasn't. He could be real good friends with her. He could probably even become a best friend one day, but because of his mannerisms. His personality. He'd never get closer.

Kathleen never looked at other guys. She never got out of the house. She didn't do things that matched the personality that he saw beneath all the fake appearances. He wanted Kathleen, but he was obsessed to find the real her beneath the whole façade.

The timing just felt right though. He was getting in deeper to the friend zone, he had to try and ask her out. Frustrated! Why? Why couldn't he get in closer to her? What did this other guy have that . . . "What?" Beetlejuice looked down at himself. Those were Benny's clothes. Damn. When a leader of hell wants something done, he's fast. "Uh, speak of the devil."

"What do you mean?" Lydia asked from across from him. She looked over at BG. "Benny, I think you should go home. BG is really tired."

Beetlejuice glanced toward BG. So, that's it. Him, I mean. Decades of being dead didn't properly prepare him for fatherhood. BG was sleeping with his head down in his high chair. He may not have known the first thing about being a dad, but he did know one thing. Those clothes suck. That high chair's stupid. Is he wearing booties with smiling bunnies on his feet? He caught himself in time before he changed everything. He was more than ready to zap everything back to the way it should be, but this situation? He didn't know much. He didn't know anything about his other half, Benny, except he was trying to freaking date Lydia. Not sorry I took over your body. "How often does the kid sleep?"

"I told you, he has a special condition." Lydia was getting fidgety as she tossed her golden curls back. "Now, please. My answer isn't going to change. I just want to be friends."

"That's perfectly fine with me," Beetlejuice added quickly as he slapped the table. "Let's go for a ride. BG needs fresh air."

"I'm not falling for that," Lydia answered him as she stood up from the table. "Look, I know we're about the same age, but I don't have the freedom others do. I don't want to hurt your feelings. Just go."

Okay, this wasn't going to work. Heh, good. Benny was miles from taking Lydia away. He needed a new strategy. Hang on. "I think it Prudence you should come for a ride with me."

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