Chapter 17: Beetlejuice's Sacrifice

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Disclaimer: I do not own Beetlejuice or related characters, he belongs to Tim Burton. I do not own Beetlegeuse. I don't own Betelgeuse? I don't own any of the weird spellings for his name.


Written By: Melanie Ray

Chapter Seventeen: Beetlejuice's Sacrifice


"Um." Donny looked at his watch. "Keep pushing?"

Kathleen wheezed, out of energy completely. "I can't." There wasn't anything left to give. Her body was so tired.

"Well, looks like this was taken care of without being that messy," One of the WDP smiled. "It's stillborn."

"It's not stillborn, it's just not coming out," Vernie disagreed. "It's supernatural. Maybe it needs assistance."

"Which is illegal, so either way, he isn't coming out." Another WDP took out a gun. "Maybe we should just end her suffering now? She'll be dead soon anyway."

Donny tried not to listen, and wanted to disagree, but even he had not told Kathleen how much she had been bleeding.


"Listen ghoul!" Beetlejuice demanded as he grabbed the ghoul. "She isn't dying, you got that? Too young, cancel the appointment. You better save her before I take this up with your supervisor!"

"I don't have that power," The ghoul yelled back, "life or death has no controller."

"Not quite."

Beetlejuice turned around and saw a WDP. "Guys get around everywhere." He groaned, but felt relieved. A WDP could do just about anything. "Go save her and the kid."

"We can't." The WDP shrugged his shoulders. "Only if you do something, Beetlejuice."

"Well, hurry it up. I'll do anything for Lyd."

"Don't get happy. You aren't coming back to life. In fact, you're sacrificing a great deal."

"I don't care," Beetlejuice muttered, "just save them."

"Are you positive?" The WDP assured him. "We just can't do a favor this big without as big a favor in return. You're trying to save two lives. The price is gonna be high."

"Knock it off already and save 'em."

"You are really ready to sacrifice everything?" The WDP asked one more time. "As in your entire time of being Beetlejuice?"


"No knowledge of Lydia, no knowledge of magic, no knowledge of even the neitherworld," the WDP grinned wickedly. "Nothing you know now, you will remember. Everything you do not remember now, you will remember."

"What?" Beetlejuice yelled. "Why? No deal!"

"Okay then, she dies." The WDP smiled. "Have a nice afterlife."

"No you don't." Beetlejuice didn't care about the rules anymore, he tried to use his magic.

The WDP had magic of his own though. "Shame, shame." He looked at his watch. "Don't worry, she and your little soulless demon will be here in a matter of minutes."

"Soulless demon?" Beetlejuice raised an eyebrow. "So it is a demons."

"No worse demon than you," the WDP chuckled. "Ooh. Let's hope the woman and your little spawn don't come too early like 'dad' did the first time," he chuckled. "Being brought here just a smidge beforehand could give her the energy she needs to give birth to the hell creature that will destroy everything. Entrance or not, souls still aren't born in here. Guess your little caseworker didn't think of that when she thought a little extra punishment would work on you. Oh yeah, and go ahead and call me Frank if you like," he chuckled. "No need to be formal in such a situation is there?"

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