Open Wounds

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Amber sipped on her apple juice. She felt free when she left her house, she can do what she wants and go wherever she wants. She didn't feel like going to a dark place to hid, she wants to be in the light, and she doesn't feel like she had to hide. Now that she ran away from home; she has nowhere to go. She'll have to live on the streets.

She skipped to find her favorite song, Open Wounds, she hummed along until the waiter arrived. She placed the plate of pancakes in front of her. "It looks like your running away, is everything okay?"

"I'm just running away from home, my parents hate me everybody does." She took a bite of her pancakes.

The waiter sat across from her. "I'm so sorry to hear that. "

"It's for the best, if I go back I'd probably be dead."

"Where are you going?" The waiter asked.

"I'm not sure yet." Tears rolled out of her eyes, the waiter couldn't see her face, her hair was hiding it.

"I hope you find a place to stay, you don't have to pay for your food. I gotta go, be safe." The waiter rose from the seat and walked off.

Amber felt like breaking out and crying, but in front of all everyone? She hates crying in front of people she likes to cry in private.

She continued to eat her pancakes, and she held in her tears and listening to music, it did help her calm down a bit.

How could you, how could you, how could you hate me?
When all I ever wanted to be was you?
How could you, how could you, how could you love me?
When all you ever gave me were open wounds?

That song always hits her hard. She relates to it so much. How could they hate her? She always looked up to them. All they ever gave her were open wounds.

She wished her life was better, she wished her parents would love her. She sighed as she drank more of her juice.

Her phone suddenly rings. She dug it out of her bag and she glared at the screen. It was her father calling. Why would he care if she's not home?

She taped in the green icon and placed it up to her ear. "Yea-".

"What the hell are you thinking, running away? You're so stupid. You know you're not going to survive on your own, you'll be dead within the day."

Anger boiled up inside her. "Go to hell, dad! Never call me again!" She hung up and put her phone back in her bag.

She picked up her fork and she ate her pancakes.

And you can't stop me from falling apart
'Cause my self-destruction is all your fault.

They can't stop her from running away. This is her choice to runaway.

All her self-destruction is all they're fault. They're the reason she's depressed and she cuts herself. Everything is they're fault.

Maybe she'll find a new family that will love her and care about her. That's all she wants is to be loved.

She smiled at the thought as she finished her pancakes and left the restaurant.

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