Not What They Hoped

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Amber and Seth arrived at John's and Kor's house.

The instruments were already set up for them.

"Hey guys!" Jen said with a smile.
"I can't wait to meet your mom!" Doggy said as he grabbed his guitar. "I like meeting new people!" He stool out his tongue, had a silly look on his face and he shook his head around.

The room was filled with giggles.

"When's your mother coming?" Korey asked.

"She's going to be a little late."

"Alright people, let's play some rock n roll!"

Everybody got into position and they played. The song they started out with is Never Surrender (MAKE ME FEEL BETTER I NEED TO FEEL BETTER. STAY WITH ME HERE NOW AND NEVER SURRENDER. Okay I'm good. Sorry I just had to!)

They played a few more songs and suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"That could be her!" Amber smiled.

John walked over to the door and he answered it. "Hello. You must be Amber's mother?"

"Yes I am!"

"I'm John. Come on in!"

Beth walked in and everybody had smiles on their faces and they said 'hi'.

"Mom!" She wrapped her in a hug. First time in her life, she was happy to see her mother.

"Is this Skillet?"

Amber broke out of the hug and she turned to face the band. "Yup! That's Jen, Korey and John."

"Nice too meet you all! I'm Beth!"

"So what brings you here?" Korey asked.

"To see my daughter of course!"

"Seth, you seem quiet. Are you okay?" Amber asked as she kissed him on the cheek.

"Amber, why are you still with him? You know I don't trust him."

"How could you not trust Seth? He can't hurt a fly!" John slapped his shoulder.

"Mom, I trust him and I love him very much! How could you not trust somebody whose sweet?"

"Beth, your daughter is happy with Seth. Shouldn't you be happy for her?" Jen asked.

"Yes I am. I'm just not sure about Seth. I get a strange vibe when I'm around him. I'm just afraid he might hurt her."

"Nah, he won't. He's a great guy, " Doggy said with a smile.

"If your mom can't trust me, then we can't be together," Seth said with a little anger.

"What?" Her heart began to break.

"I knew this was going to happen."

"I'm sick of you making a scene! All you do is complain about how you don't trust me! I'm done." He stomped out of the room.

"Mom, I think it's better you leave now."

Beth nodded. "It was nice meeting you all." She left the house.

"Well this was not what we all hoped," Korey said.

"Guys, I'm sorry about my mother's behavior."

"It's fine. I think you should go talk to Seth, John suggested.

Amber let out a sigh. "I guess your right."

"Good luck!" Jen flashed her a smile.

Amber smiled back and she left the room.

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