Making Up

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The couple arrived in their apartment. They haven't said a wors since practice.

Amber looked at Seth; his face had a little bit of anger with disappointment writen all over it.

He caught her glaring at him. "What is it?" He asked firmly fixed in with anger.

"...Nothing." She sighed as she dug in her bag to get out a pair of pajamas.

Seth walked down the hall and he entered his bedroom, without saying a word.

Amber quickly got undressed and she put on her pj's and she laid down on the couch. Her heart is aching from Seth's attitude. Why is he upset over her mother? It's not Amber's fault that she couldn't say no to her mom.

Or could it be, Seth wants to come first and family second? "That could be it! But family comes first, if he doesn't like it then he can break up with me."

Her heart broke more at the words 'break up with me.' She never had thoughts of Seth leaving her nor her leaving him. They both love each other.

Ever relationship has their ups and downs. They get through them and they grow closer from the fights.

Maybe tomorrow will be better? Hopefully Seth will be in a better mood so she can talk to him.

She closed her eyes and she fell asleep.


The next morning...

Amber got out of bed and she's making pancakes. She hummed happily as she flipped them over.

Suddenly Seth's bedroom door opens and he walks out, walking into the kitchen. He kissed her on the cheek. "Morning, babe." He wrapped his arms around her waist.

A smile grew on her face. "Morning."

"Babe, I've been thinking about yesterday. I'm sorry about the I acted." He kissed her neck.

"It's alright." She shut off the burner and she turned to met with Seth's eyes. "You made my heartbreak."

"Baby, I'm sorry I can make it up to you." He kissed her jawline down to her neck.

"How are you going to do that?"

"Come with me," he took her hand and he led her into his room.


Time skip

The couple finshed their breakfast. "Are you feeling okay?" Seth asked.

"Yeah, I still hurt."

Seth walked over to her and he wiped her tears off her face with his fingers. "It's normal for virgins. I'm sure the pain will go away." He placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Thanks for making it up. I do feel better!"

"Awesome! I'm going to take a shower." Seth said as he left her alone in the kitchen.

As he closed he bathroom door, Amber jumped up and down while she squealed.  "Oh my god! I can't believe I slept with my favorite member of Skillet! I still can't get over that we're dating! I can't believe this is happening!"

She dashed out of the kitchen and she quickly got dressed.

Thank you again for all the comments and votes I really appreciate it! :)

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