Walking For Miles

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Amber has been walking a few miles, to her it felt like five. She still didn't know where to go, she doesn't have enough money to go stay at a hotel and she has nobody to stay with. The only option she has is to live outside and be homeless.

She sighed, she wanted to stop walking, but she can't, she has to find a good place to stay. "Maybe there's a old house that nobody lives in."

She walked for a half hour, she couldn't find an old house. She started to get tired and it began to rain. The clouds in the sky were turning black, so it was getting dark. But it was only in the afternoon.

Some people were walking by her, they stared at her, but didn't even want to talk to her. She needs a home and nobody seems to care.

Suddenly tears rolled down her face, she had the need to cut herself. She fell to her knees and began to cry. "WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE ME?" She feel facedown onto the wet cold ground.

A young guy heard the girl's cry. The male looked like in his 20's. He had dirty blonde hair. He walked over to her. "Hey it's okay. "

She sat up and looked at who was talking to her. Her eyes got wide. "Seth?"

Seth held out a hand for her. "Yup that's me."

Amber took his hand gently, and he pulled her up. "You're, your're from Skill- Skillet!"

"Yes, come I'll take you to my place."

"Do I get to see the others?" Amber asked in shocked.

"I don't know, follow me."

They walked down the sidewalk, they reached an apartment building, it didn't have that many apartments in it, it looked like it only had two.

Seth took her inside the building, they walked up some stairs. Jen couldn't believe that one of the band members had to happen to be there. When she saw his face she felt better.

They made it to the first floor. Seth pulled out his keys to unlock his house. He took the key out of the lock and turned the knob. It was locked." Huh?"

Suddenly his door opens.

A/N: Who do you guys think it is?

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