Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven

      I WAS PRETTY surprised, to say the least. I hadn't had much time to question him as the bell signalling the end of lunch sounded and we had to go to class. Although, halfway through our silent detention later on, I couldn't wait any longer. I'd finished any makeup work I had from the class I was failing and was now playing on my phone.

      "So," I started. Mr. Nelson was out cold at his desk. "Sasha, huh?"

      Hayden had his head down on the desk in an attempt to sleep, but it was obvious he was still awake—his leg wouldn't stop bouncing. He  lifted his head and stopped his leg movement, squinting from the bright lights of the classroom. "What 'bout her?" he slurred.

      "How'd that happen?" I wasn't really sure why I was asking, it's not like I really cared about what was going on with his social life. I suppose it was just immense boredom, and the fact that Sasha seemed like someone I'd be interested in starting a friendship with if I wasn't forced to lie and keep the biggest secret I have from her and everyone else in my life.

      "Why do you care?" He muttered tiredly.

      I shrugged. "Just trying to start a conversation."

      "Noted." He rudely put his head back down.

      I rolled my eyes and started scrolling through different apps on my phone with one hand, tapping my pen on the desk repeatedly with the other. After a while, Hayden finally sat up with a groan. "Would you please stop that?"

      My hand movement ceased and I dropped the pen on the desk. I tapped the power button on my phone and sat it beside me as the screen turned black, then turned towards Hayden. "So, ready to share?"

      He sighed and turned towards me with a huff. "Fine."

      I grinned and crossed my legs. To show an annoying amount of interest, I folded my hands under my chin and rested my elbows on my knee. "So, how did you two meet?"

      He thought for a moment. "Through David, actually. He's always been like a brother to her and introduced us one day." He chuckled and brought his hand up to the back of his neck, looking down as he remembered. "She hated me at first, convinced I was just another guy ready to get into her pants—what, with all the innuendos and all."

      It was clear Hayden actually liked her. He's never been the type to sleep with a girl one night, just to abandon her the next morning. Actually, from what I've heard, he's only had sex twice—though he has messed around and done plenty of other things with girls if they'd come to him. They always knew what they were getting into. "She seems nice," I finally said.

      He stared forward as he responded. "I guess so."

      I raised an eyebrow in curiosity and tilted my head, slightly. My hands dropped to my lap. "Doesn't sound like you're very happy." I grinned. "Come on, don't tell me you already managed to ruin things?"

      He snorted, his eyes landing on me before shifting down to his hands. "I don't know if it's going to get serious or not, or if I even want it to. She's nice and all, and a pretty good friend, but I'm not sure if this whole 'dating' thing is going to pan out. She's the one who asked me out." He laughed lightly. "I sound like I'm still in middle school—"

      My phone vibrated beside me, cutting off his speech and making us both jump in our seats. I picked it up and glanced at the caller ID before sighing. "Sorry, Hayden." I pulled at my bottom lip with my teeth. "Hold that thought?"

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