Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen

AFTER WE LEFT the car and went through our separate classes, the silence ensued. It didn't feel like it used to when we'd just bicker all the time or ignore each other when it was clear the other one noticed. This time felt different. Unnatural. Lunch was the first time we even sat within five feet of each other. Despite my complains about the cold outside, I still found myself momentarily contemplating escaping to the snowy wonderland and eating my lunch silently behind a tree. Before I could weigh my options and look around for a place to sit, a familiar voice called my name and summoned me to his table.

"Hey, Scarlet!" David called, his arm waving excitedly through the air. "Over here!"

I mentally cursed. Not that I had any kind of problem with David or any of his and Hayden's friends, but where they go, Hayden goes.

And as of today, where I go, Hayden certainly does not go.

I let a reluctant sigh escape my lips and started over to the table, lunch tray in hand despite my lack in appetite. I hadn't really had too much of one for a while now. I kept my eyes glued to the gray pile of what was supposed to be rice to avoid making eye contact with Hayden. The only empty seats were the two to the left of David on the complete opposite side of the table from my current frenemy, which didn't go unnoticed by the others at the table.

"Everything okay?" Laura asked, bright red hair following her movements as she tilted her head in concern. She was asking me, but it didn't take much to guess the rest of that question. Everything okay between you and Hayden?

I nodded and forced a smile. "Of course. Why wouldn't it be?"

Taking my smile as reason for relief, Laura grinned. "I was just checking on my girl, here. Didn't want you to feel like we don't care."

      Hayden flinched.

I nodded in her direction, my smile becoming a little more forced. "I know you do." With a pause, I️ added, "Thank you."

Out of the corner of my eye, Hayden lowered his head—for what reason, I wasn't sure. His attitude had been back and forth all day. One minute he'd notice me and storm off angrily, and the next he'd either ignore my existence or find some reason to look away as quickly as possible. Now seemed like the latest of the three options. He was determined that we were not to make any eye contact whatsoever. Or contact in general, really.

"Hey, Sasha," Aiden suddenly announced.

Conversation halted as several eyes lifted to see Sasha's cheeks glow pink from the attention. She tucked a strand of white and pink hair behind her ear before taking the empty seat between Aiden and myself. A shy smile graced her lips. "Hey, Aiden."

Laura leaned over her boyfriend to rest her chin on her hand, elbow propped up on the table. She grinned at Sasha. "Hey, girl. Are we still on for tonight?"

Sasha's eyes lit up. "Oh! I can't believe I forgot." She turned to me with a smile. "Scarlet, would you want to come stay at my place with me and Laura?"

I️ paused when Hayden stopped eating and clenched his jaw. Glancing down at my food, I️ scrunched up my nose and pushed my tray away from me. Disappointment sunk in when he didn't even glance at it, much less take it for himself. "Tonight?"

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