Chapter 37

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Third beautiful cover made by @dismallove

Chapter 37

      DISAPPOINTMENT FLOODED THROUGH every inch of me when the closet door was yanked open and Hayden stumbled back. Along with the disappointment, though, came two realizations. One being the reason I'd kissed Hayden in the first place. I was trying to stop him from yelling and nearly throwing himself into a panic attack. And realization number two?

      I kissed Hayden.

      Several curious eyes stared between us, trying to piece together what exactly had happened while we were away. I had no doubt the music had been too loud for any eavesdropping teenagers to hear us, but with my ruffled hair, Hayden's scrunched up shirt, and David's raised eyebrows, I assumed it wasn't too difficult to figure it out. The small number of players had nearly doubled, most of them cheering at us for 'getting it on' in the closet as we stepped out.

      I ignored them and walked automatically to the couch, taking a seat beside Sasha. I knew she was saying something to me, but I didn't hear it. My mind kept replaying the kiss Hayden and I shared, over and over again like a broken record. It had sparked something between us that wasn't there before—or maybe it was, and I just hadn't noticed it. Up until a few seconds ago, it hadn't even crossed my mind that I might've had feelings for Hayden. Even now, the idea made me wonder if I belonged in a mental institution. I'd actually kissed Hayden.

      I wasn't sure what to think or feel, but I was sure of one thing. I couldn't bring myself to look Hayden in the eyes, and if the occasional sneaky glances I sent his way were anything to go by, neither could he. Something told me things between us would never be quite the same, and I wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. Then again, I never know if anything is a good or bad thing.

      "Scarlet," Laura whispered, pinching my arm. At my wince, she decided she had enough of my attention. "Are you okay? What happened in there?"

      Without realizing it, my finger tips grazed my lips and I stared at Hayden in wonder. I remembered how nice it felt when his hand ran through my hair, and how warm his body was when he pressed me up against him. How those multicolored eyes seemed to memorize every detail of my face, like he couldn't get enough of me. I remembered his words just before we left the closet, his mouth so close to mine. Do it again.

      Hayden's eyes caught mine before shifting down to look at the hand touching my lip. He quickly looked away, but I didn't miss the way his eyes flashed with longing or the redness in his face.

      "You two totally made out," Laura blurted out, a little too loudly.

      My hand dropped to my lap and my face lit up like a Christmas tree. Laura was grinning at me, ready for the juicy details, but Sasha looked concerned. She could see my inner turmoil, and I suddenly felt relieved she didn't seem upset with me for making out with her ex boyfriend, even if they hadn't seemed very serious. I would have felt more guilty if it wasn't for my raging mind, replaying my ten minutes in the closet. It hadn't felt like ten minutes.

      I made out with Hayden. I made out with Hayden. I made out with—

"Scarlet, you up for a challenge?"

That raised some eyebrows, mine included. "What?" I asked, wide eyes staring at Rodney. He held out a tall can of what I could only assume was filled to the brim with alcohol.

      "Are you up for a challenge?" he repeated, pushing the can a little closer to me.

      At my worried stare, Chelsea raised her own can and showed me its empty contents with a laugh. "Don't look so scared. It's not so bad, just a little bit of a weird after taste."

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