Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty

      THE DRIVE TO Lulu's was surprisingly animated despite the window and obvious separation of Laura and Sasha to the three of us in the back—Aiden, David and myself. Laura's excitement over the whole trip was a refreshing distraction to my unease over the possibility of seeing Darrin, and it made me value her presence significantly more.

Laura somehow managed to keep her eyes on the road and still talk over the loud wind as we drove, the sharp winter air staining my cheeks pink by the time we arrived at the diner. It was fun to sit with the guys in the back, regardless of the fact that I certainly should have brought a heavier jacket than the thin, light blue hoodie I'd gotten from Hayden.

Stop thinking about him. Shaking the thought away, I hopped over the side of the trunk. David, already on the ground and ready to help, caught my shoulders as I stumbled with the landing. Being 5'6 sure came with its disadvantages.

"You okay?" he asked, hands sliding down my biceps before dropping to his sides.

I nodded. "Thanks."

"Hey, Scarlet," Laura called. She waved a hand in her direction where she stood beside Sasha, Aiden gradually making his way back over to her with her heels in hand. She'd taken them off to make driving a little easier.

      I could tell she was anxious to get inside and grab something to eat and felt guilty for not feeling the same jittery excitement. There were any number of ways this situation could pan out if I saw Darrin seated inside, but I tried to ignore them for the time being. "What's up?"

"After this, do you want me to run you by your house to get some warmer clothes? It's pretty cold out here."

I shook my head, then thought better of my decision. I did need to run by Hayden's and pack some clothes for the night, not to mention dropping off my school supplies and bag. Between keeping the heaviest bag I've ever seen with me and dropping it off in my room at Hayden's, the latter sounded like the more appealing option. I just hoped she wouldn't start asking questions about why I had been staying with Hayden when we were clearly feuding. "Sounds like a good idea."

Laura grinned. "Good, we'll head back there after we eat. You ready?"

As ready as I can be. "Yep."

"Then let's get a move on," she said, locking arms with Sasha and myself.

"What about the boys?" I questioned. I hoped they weren't planning to stay with the three of us girls. I already had enough to stress about with the girls possibly seeing my scars, much less the whole new can of worms that the guys staying with us would open.

My worries eased quickly as Laura spoke. "I'm driving them to where Aiden's car is parked and he'll take David home." She shrugged, lifting my arm slightly with the movement. I didn't have to speak before she predicted my next question. "We figured taking one car would be easier. You know, less complications with where to park."

Aiden pushed the door opened and held it for us as we stepped through. A bell dinged overhead, several eyes lifting to see who stepped in. Sasha thanked Aiden for the gesture, but I was too preoccupied scanning the room for a pair of stony gray eyes to speak. Anticipation had my heart racing as I waited for the inevitable, but it was quickly replaced with relief when he was nowhere in sight. For once, the universe was on my side.

A young lady with a long, auburn braid down her back led us to a booth by the window. The black leather seats were more comfortable than expected and the polished, dark wood table matched the low lighting of the large room. Taking in the full view of the place, I couldn't help but notice it looked more like a fancy restaurant than a well-priced diner. It was no wonder why Darrin took Victoria here so often.

"What are you getting to drink?" David asked me for what couldn't have been the first time, if the concerned expression on his face was anything to go by.

"Oh," I muttered, glancing down at the menu in front of me. I flipped it over and scanned the options on the back. "I'll probably just take water."

  "Is everything okay with you? You keep zoning out."

"I'm fine," I said, and for once it didn't feel like a lie. My brother was nowhere in sight, Hayden was off doing his own thing and not arguing with me until his last breath, and I hadn't received any angry accusations from my mother today. Things were going incredibly well. "I've jut been a little distracted lately," I offered. "Give me a bit and I'll get my head where it needs to be."

"Please, don't feel pressured." He held his hands up in a placating manner and let out a chuckle. "I was just checking on you."

I smiled. "You're fine, thank you for checking in on me." I lifted the menu in my hand and opened it to the lunch meals. "I have no clue what to get from here. I've never been."

Laura slammed her menu against the table and I jumped, rattled. I wasn't used to such quick actions, and that girl was a firework. "What?" she exclaimed. At the several glares around the room, she lowered her voice. "You've never been here before?"

I let out a short, nervous laugh. "No?"

"Oh my god," she breathed. Despite having her own menu, she pulled mine from my hand and flung it open. Her eyes drifted back and forth at lightening speed as she skimmed the options. "I have so much for you to try, you'll have never felt so stuffed in your life."

At the panicked look on my face, Aiden gently pulled the menu from his excited girlfriend's hands. "I think maybe we should take it easy on Scarlet. After all, this is her first time here."

Laura huffed. "Fine, but next time I'm stuffing her with all my favorite food."

I suddenly dreaded coming back to Lulu's more than I had coming here in the first place.

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