Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

      AROUND TWO HOURS after Hayden left, I gave in to my boredom and took a shower. I changed into a pair of shorts and the blue hoodie Hayden gave me and headed downstairs, only to see Camille wrapped up in a coat with her keys in hand.

      "Where are you going?" I asked, tucking my hands into my hoodie pockets.

      She picked through the keys until she found the one she was looking for. "I'm running to the store for some groceries. I left you a note on the counter in case I left before you came down."

      I glanced back at the kitchen, quickly spitting the sheet of notebook paper. "How long will you be gone?"

      "Not too long, but I wouldn't be surprised if Hayden gets back before me. I have a few extra errands to run, but you're welcome to stay for dinner after I get home. Stay as long as you like. Preferably a while." Heavy snow forced the door open as soon as she twisted the knob. "Oh my, I hope the boys are driving safely. Lock the door behind me, will you?"

      "You drive safely too, Camille," I told her as she closed the door behind her, quick to escape the cold. I locked the door and headed over into the kitchen to find something to eat. From the timespan Camille gave me, I figured it wouldn't hurt much to go ahead and make a small meal to hold me over.

      I pulled a pan out from under the cabinet and sat it on the counter beside Camille's note:

Scarlet, I'm headed to the store to find something to make for dinner tonight. If you get hungry, feel free to grab a snack. Hayden might make it home before me, and if so, please make that boy clean up his room.

      I smiled. Even if I tried to tell Hayden to clean his room, he wouldn't listen to me. Though, last I checked, Hayden was pretty good about picking up after himself. I suppose he really had been letting himself go after our fight.

      A knock on the door made me jump, pulling me from my thoughts. I wondered if Camille forgot something. I started back for the door and twisted the lock. "Hey, is everything—"

My heart stopped.

In front of me stood a tall blonde, malicious eyes peering deep into my own. I tried to slam the door, but he caught it against his arm. I couldn't close it, not completely. "Scarlet, let me in."

"Go to hell, Darrin!"

He managed to push the door just a little farther, far enough for him to see inside. He grit his teeth. "I just want to talk, little sister."

"Bullshit," I ground out between clenched teeth.

The weight against the door momentarily lightened, just slightly enough to give me some hope, before it slammed into me. I stumbled back from the force and tripped over my footing, landing hard on my ass. Pain shot through my tailbone, but I ignored it and crawled back as quickly as possible.

"That was rude," he sneered, stepping towards me. "You know what I want."

"For me to come back home so you can fill your sadistic pleasure in causing me pain," I snapped, holding back a shiver from the cold air. There was practically a blizzard outside. Snow flew into the room in a frenzy, and I was suddenly aware that all I had on were shorts and a thin hoodie, my hair still soaked from the shower. "You say that every single time we talk," I said, looking around for anything I could use as a weapon. "What's the big deal about coming home?"

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