Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

      I TRIED TO pull the direction of conversation away from Laura admitting to knowing and Sasha being forced to admit her feelings. This was not the time for the two of them to hash things out, especially when Aiden and David could show up at any second. I didn't know if Laura was the type to explode about her feeling betrayed, but given her outspoken and loud personality, it wouldn't come as much of a surprise. "Why don't you think Aiden wants to be with you?"

She chewed her lip while she thought about it. "He's been different. Not a bad different, just—different. We've been dating for three years now and it felt amazing at first, but as time went buy it started to seem like he resented me."

      Finally finding a chance to speak without incriminating herself, Sasha shook her head. "He doesn't resent you, Laura, and you know that. He loves you."

      "As a friend, maybe." She chewed the inside of her cheek, an action I recognized in Sasha when she was stressed or thinking hard. Years of friendship much have paired their mannerisms. "Our relationship feels forced. I'm not even sure if I love him anymore. I mean, I know I love him, but I don't know if it's as a friend or as the man I want to marry some day."

      I didn't miss the way Sasha cringed at the word 'marry'. She quickly recovered and took a seat next to her best friend. Sister, more accurately. "So, talk to him. Ask him what he wants and tell him how you're feeling."

      Laura nodded slowly, as if debating whether to bring the subject to light at all. "You're right. When should I do it, though?"

      As if on cue, the familiar rumble of tires on gravel caught my attention. They were here. Good timing or bad, I wasn't sure. "Probably not right at this moment," I said, "or else the rest of the day might be kind of awkward."

      "Thanks." Laura laughed and smacked my arm, and although it was meant to be a light, innocent gesture, I nearly jumped through the roof. "God—are you okay?"

      I nodded quickly. "Just stung a little." Lie. Darrin's actions would probably haunt me for the rest of my life, and my reaction to Laura's light slap proved exactly that.

      "Wimp," Laura joked. "I didn't even hit you that hard."

      I forced a smile and ignored the knowing look I received from Sasha. "I guess I just have sensitive skin or something."

      "That's the worst excuse I've ever heard for being a wimp," Laura said as she made her way to the front door. When she opened it, David's fist hovered in front of his chest, ready to knock. "Hey, guys!"

      Laura's sad demeanor instantly changed to a happier—although forced—attitude so the guys wouldn't notice. A part of me wondered if most of her bubbly persona was just a facade for something going on underneath, and it made me feel a little bit closer to her. Maybe I wasn't the only one keeping their feelings a secret from the people they cared about.

As David said his greetings to Laura and Sasha, I couldn't help my eyes wandering to the figure leaning against David's black Honda. Multicolored eyes locked onto mine before quickly shifting away like I didn't exist. "What's he doing here?" I interrupted. Everyone's eyes followed mine to Hayden chatting aimlessly with Aiden. At my words, though, he started walking to the door.

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