Prologue + Chapter 1

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"Ashley please stop!"


"Please, me mam gave us those"


I watched as Ashley picked up all three china plates me mam gave us as a wedding gift and threw them on the ground. He was a drunk. But he was an angry drunk. And I knew that and constantly tried to calm him down always with no luck. When he was angry he had to release his anger. I'm just glad this time it wasn't on me.

Chapter 1

"Kimberley you should really give us a limit."

"A limit on what?" Kimberley asked

"On how many times I come here in the night"

"O god Cheryl! No way I'm doing that! I'm your best friend and your always welcomed here"

Well, she was right. She is me best friend. There was a lot I shared with her. More than I shared with the rest of the girls. Kimberley was someone who I truly trusted.

"Do you want a cuppa? I'm up now and I'm gonna stay up with you and we could talk or watch TV. Anything to take your mind off the problem."

"Thanks Kimba that would be nice"

* * *

I knew it was time to get up. It was one of our off days but Sarah insisted we go to an amusement park. As I got up, I looked around at the mess Kimberley and I made last night.

DVDs scattered around the room, popcorn still spilled out the bowl from being scared last night and me last cuppa still half full.

"Cheryl why are you staring at that cup?" Kimberley asked

She startled me.

"I was just looking at our mess. You want us to clean it up? It's the lea-

"Cheryl don't worry about. Go get dress so we can take on these rides"

I got off the couch and walked down the hall to the bathroom. Soon as I opened the door, the first thing that greeted us was the mirror. It showed me messy hair and me big brown eyes. The ones Ashley fell in love with. I couldn't help but smile and trace me dimples with me fingers. I still wondered if Ashley was in love with us as well as me features. But it was time a time to think about that later. Now was the time get in the shower.

* * *

"Sarah your taking the p!ss"

"O quit your whining mate your gonna have fun. Look at me does this face lie about a good time?" Sarah said

I looked at Sarah and studied her. She had a short blonde crop, those beaming blue eyes, and that sly smile that always said "we're gonna have a lot of fun"

" I guess so Sarah" I said with a big dimpled smile.

"That's the spirit!" Sarah said

"Cheryl calm down, the roller coaster is not gonna hurt you" Nicola said.

"I know, I know. I'm just ready to get it over with"

* * *

"It was fun wasn't it?" Nadine and Nicola asked

"No it wasn't" I pouted

"Stop your pouting" Kimberley laughed

"That last ride had me heart jumped out me chest"

"But it came back right?" Sarah asked unable to stop laughing

They were all laughing at how scared I was and I just clutched my new elephant Kimberley won me at the ring toss even harder.

"O Chez , we are only messing around" Nicola said

"I'm just glad it's over"

"Today will be a memory we all are gonna hold on to forever" Nadine said

"Especially since we have this picture of Cheryl on the coaster scared out her mind" Sarah held up

This picture had us holding on for dear life with my eyes about to pop out me head. Sarah sat on the left of us and Nicola on the right. Kimberley and Nadine were in the back. All four of them seemed to be laughing at me horror.

Everyone started laughing again and I just put my whole face in my elephant. I will admit I did have a good day with my girls today. But I knew that I would soon have to go back home to my life which contained an angry Ashley.

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