Chapter 26

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I was laying with my eyes open staring at the ceiling. I had such a fun night with Justin that I hate to admit I forgotten about Cheryl. He was curled up underneath me hugging my waist and his soft hair caressed my stomach. But my mind was fixed back on her now. Where in the hell could she be? I feel like I know. Like she ran off to somewhere where only I could find her. There was no reason for her to leave. Life was just fine here. Well it was for me. I felt better than I did in a couple of days. Logan and Lulu were here. They were sound asleep in the guest bedrooms I had down the hall. They were never touched so they were very clean. Everyone was in a total wreck. The guilt had washed over them. They blame theirselves for Cheryl leaving. But I blame myself too. Maybe if I would have believed what she was saying she would have stayed. God I was so stupid. I shuffled violently and Justin woke up sleepily.

"You alright babe?" He looked at me sleepily unable to keep his eyes open.


He always knew what I was thinking about. "She's fine. I know it. Now I'm going back to sleep" Justin kissed my stomach and snuggled back on it like a baby. I rubbed his ear continuing to think. Where could Cheryl possibly be? I turned my head at the sound of my phone buzzing. It was to far for me to reach without waking Justin up so I left it there until the morning. My birthday was literally three days away. And it was going to be hard. My first one without her. I turned over on my stomach and Justin adjusted him self on my bum. I stared at the darkness that filled the room. What could she be doing right now? Since I practically knew her so well she was probably beating herself up over our breakup. Cheryl always blamed herself. To be honest this problem was her fault but she doesn't know how to let things go.

I guess Justin felt the stress flow through my body so he shuffled up closer to my face and gave me a sleepy kiss. Then he rested his head on my chest. I liked having Justin around. He really made me happy. Sometimes I wonder if maybe this was the life I was suppose to have with him rather than the one I craved for with her. Or maybe it was just because I was happy for the moment and not happy in the long term. All I seen was Cheryl in my future no one else. And it's always been this way. Even when I was with Justin before. All my racing thought helped me ease my way into deep sleep. And I was awaken several ours later by a kid jumping on my bed.

"Hey. Aunty. Kimba." It was Warren.

"Ugh" I looked at him bounce up and down then around the room for an answer. Them I saw Justin come back in the with Cheryl's sister Gillian. She came over and sat next to me on the bed.

"Did you hear anything?"

"No I didn't" I sat up hanging my head in shame. I really felt like I was the cause for this mess.

"Kimberley don't beat yourself over this. I'm sure where ever she is she's fine. " Gillian was holding back some tears.

"You stop too. Your about to lose your mind over this." I stood up and gave her a much needed hug.

"I know. We are going out looking for her today. Hitting up her favorite spots. Do you wanna come along?"

"No no thank you. But I will keep Warren for the day."

"Thank you thank you" She stood up and gave me a hug. "Alright I'm gonna be own me way" I watched her walk out and I heard the door downstairs close. I looked over and Warren was still bouncing on my bed. So full of energy at eight in the morning.

"Aunty. Kim" He spoke one word in between bounces. "What. Are. We. Going. To do. Today."

"Whatever you want"

"Let's. Go. To. The. Park."

"Alright. Let me get changed"

"But. You. Look. Fine." He giggled.

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