Chapter 37

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Planning for a wedding is even more fun the second time around. But it was all over now. We were getting married in three days. Two days. I was gonna walk down the aisle again in two days.

Kimberley was doing much better. She had no more episodes. But unfortunately that next day when we took her to psychologist Martha she said that Kimberley had Post traumatic stress disorder. Which made such so much sense because Kimberley had suffered such a traumatic thing. Killing someone is not easy as well as dealing with it.

But I'm glad that we got this information. It only helped Kimberley get much much better. Sometimes I think maybe it was me fault. I don't tell her but sometimes I think maybe if we would have never gotten together than maybe her mental health would have been Intact. But I also think sometimes maybe it wouldn't have been. Kimberley clearly had to find me because I'm her soulmate. And she would have led a very lonely life.

But I also think about this new life we were about to live. We were about to bring our baby home. We just needed to get married. Kimberley took me to me him and ever since I've been there every there playing with him and cuddling him. His caretaker was bring him in two days so he could be apart of the ceremony.

But I was in the living room of the house rolling around on the couch while Kimberley was out doing some last minute things with Nadine. Nicola was here with me fast asleep beside me. The bunnies were resting on top of her. So spoiled.

"Rawr" Kimberley came through the door. I'm not sure why she chose this action until I looked up.

"Aww you brought Warren" He was in her arms making the sound back at her.

"Yeah and a few others" Behind Kimberley our parents were behind her and our siblings.

"Take me bags will ya?" Garry came in toting what it seemed like everyone's things.

"Not a chance" I gave him a kiss on his cheek and a hug.

"Yes the weekend starts with madness early on this Thursday" Adam gave me a hug.

"Madness indeed" I let everyone give me hugs and walk by.

"So Cheryl" Amy came up to me.


"What are we having for dessert on your wedding day?"

"I can't tell you" I grinned.

"But why?" Amy groaned.

"Amy go away" Kimberley came back in shooing Amy.

"Fine" Amy stuck out her tongue and ran away.

"You wouldn't believe that she's only 18" Kimberley laughed. "And then Adam's twenty. I'm 23. And Sally's 25. Our parents had it rough with us. And we still act like children." Kimberley was chuckling.

"I see" I laughed knowing me parents went through the same thing with me and me siblings. I'm 22 but Garry's 18 and Joe's the oldest being 29. While Gillian is right in the middle being 25 and then me brother Andrew who is 24. But Andrew was away right now. It was a similar household to Kimberley's being I guess a bit more crowded and a lot more chaotic.

"I love having family over. And our families are so alike. Neither of our parents are together and we grew up in big houses being the performers in our homes. Maybe our son will be like us"Kimberley smiled.

I was all giddy that she was calling Christian our son now. "Yeah he will or will just have to wait on the middle child" I grinned some more.

"Being married is gonna be great" Kimberley was so excited.

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