Chapter 4

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"Wake up, sunshine," someone nudged at my side with a dull edge.

"Go away," I groaned and threw a pillow at Leah.

She jabbed me harder with the blunt instrument, "get up! You have a plane to catch in a few hours!"

"Ouch!" I exclaimed and jumped off the bed, "alright, I'm up, I'm up! What do you want?"

Leah had already gotten dressed. Blue jeans, and a beige crop-top. She held a leopard-patterned straightner in her one hand, and blonde wig in the other, "operation: Turn-Stella-into-a-boy-for-the-most-rediculous-reason is about to commence!"

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked up; 5:33 A.M.

"Leah, you've got to be kidding me."

"What?" she scowled, "if we're going to do this, we're gonna do it right. 'Man training' will begin at 0600 hours! Now go take a shower... like a man!"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the towel, soap, shampoo, sponge, face exfoliant, lotion, bath bubbles, and my little froggy flip flops.

Leah shook her head then immidiatly stripped me of all my bath accesories. Leaving me only with the soap and towel, "I said like a man!"

I dropped my jaw and trudged to the shower.

Despite the fact that my hair was sopping wet, eyes drooping with fatigue, and a grumbling stomach, Leah still somehow had the energy to make my life more miserable this morning.

"Billy's going to be here in a bit," she examined the jean shorts and the tanktop I had on, "Now let's look for a guy-ish outfit you can wear."

Before she could shuffle through the duffle bag, there was a wrapping on the door.

Mrs. Bromwell peeked her head in, "morning girls. You guys sure got up early."I nodded miserably, but still managed to smile. Leah resembled her mom in looks."Well, I brought you kids some hot breakfast."

She rolled in a trolley packed with food: Bacon, eggs, french toast, orange juice, and sausages.

"Wow, thanks Ana!" I lit up. The smell of bacon was the only thing that seemed to wake me up.

She nodded, "y'all have fun now."

Leah scooped some scrambled eggs on a plate and ate gingerly with her fork. While I, on the other hand, horked down the bacon, biting into it like a savage barbarian who hadn't eaten in days.

She gave me a disgusted look, "well I guess we can cross 'learn to eat like a man' off the To-do list."

I laughed and gulped down some juice.

"Is that breakfast I smell?" Billy slipped into the room, a huge smile on his face, "wow, what a feast. Props to being an only child, Leah."

Leah stood, and shoved the trolley out of her room. Clapping her hands twice, she faked a french accent, "eat later! Verk now!"

"Boo!" Billy protested.

She shuffled through the bag and pulled out some of Bradley's plaid shorts and a bright green t-shirt.

"Smells like musk," Leah coughed, "I hate musk."

I grabbed the shirt from her and threw it on, "yeah, well it's Brad's clothes. What do you expect? Sugar and spice and everything nice?"

Billy turned around while I pulled on the plaid shorts. They were very baggy.

"Ew, no!" Leah shrunk her nose, "bad combo! Lime green and plaid?"

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