Chapter 20

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He nodded, smiling widely, "it's our little secret."

I nodded as well, "you got it, partner."

Cameron and I were quiet for a while, just enjoying the cool night breeze.

"You know what, Steve?" He gazed over at me again, grinning playfully.


"You're a good listener."

I bit down on my lip and sighed, content and happy to be there with him, just watching the stars. What a dream it would be to just schooch over a little closer to him. But I wouldn't dare do that... being Steve anyway, or he'd probably knock Steve out in less than a second.

"Am I?" I asked, grinning back.

He nodded then gazed back at the stars, "you're a good friend too, man. I trust you, and I'm glad we met this summer."

I was torn between the fact that I'd finally gained his trust, and that I was completely lying to him. Where did this overbearing sense of guilt come from all of a sudden?

I swallowed, my voice shaking just the tiniest bit, "glad to hear."

He nodded then stood and stretched, he was about to jump down the bleachers and head for the dorm.

"Wait a sec," I stopped him, I sat up tall and straight, "just out of curiosity... are you a forgiving person?"

He laughed and gave me a look, "what?"

"Forgiving," I repeated, trying to keep my voice as deep as I could, "like if one of your friends lied to you about something... would you forgive them?"

He chortled and took a deep breath, "depends how big that lie is."

I itched my nose, avoiding eye contact, "moderately big."

He shrugged, "probably not. I mean somewhere down the line I would. But you know, as long as they're not messing with my head I guess."

I raised a brow, oh ok. So I was doing both. Great.

"Why do you ask?" he continued.

I shook my head, "oh, just wondering."

He laughed, came back up, and patted me on the shoulder, "it's not like you have anything to worry about, Steve Morner. I know you wouldn't be the type of guy to hurt someone like that. Anyway, adios. I'm off to bed."

He skipped down the bleachers, leaving my heart burdened with undeniable guilt and frustration at myself.

The next few days at camp went by as it normally would. Byron had finally let Reese off the hook (literally), and Reese was back to waterboy.

That Thursday, dinner was held in the mess hall.

"What is that?!" a big guy infront of me whined, "that's like 2 strands of spaghetti! Are you trying to starve me?" He reached over the counter, despite the woman's protests, and grabbed a huge scoop of spaghetti, slapping it onto his plate.

"Now that's just nasty," I said behind him, completely oblivious to how loud I was.

He licked the little bits of pasta off his hands and turned to face me, "actually, it's really good. Here, try some."

The boy whipped noodles at my face and I stumbeled back in shock. Angered, I stuck my hand in a nearby tray and whipped spaghetti back at him.

"Boys! Please settle down!" the woman begged.

While I was turned, he dumped a cup of milk above me, drenching my wig in dairy products. I gasped.

"FOOD FIGHT!" I screamed and charged with a battle cry towards him.

The whole cafeteria erupted and cheered in revolt as they grabbed their trays and dumped it on eachother. Spaghetti, fruit, pudding and whipped cream was tossed around the room.

"Aah!" I screamed as the boy chased me with a bucket of chocolate pudding.

I noticed Reese on a table jumping into the fray, holding a bag of cheesies proudly in the air.

I crawled in between someone's legs, only to be pulled up and have something smushed in my face. I coughed and gagged, spitting out pudding and chunks of who-knows-what.

I stood, steadying myself, then walked blindly towards any directions.

"Woah there," someone stopped me and dragged me by the hand.

"Billy?" I asked.

His voice was tinted with humour, "sorry I couldn't be your knight in shining armour, but you are just out of your mind, Stella, let's get out of here."

That had to be the best idea I'd heard all day.

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