Chapter 15

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"Leah?" I asked over the line.

"Hey Stel!"

I plopped on someone's bunk. Bad idea; smelly and gross. And so, I just went to sit at the table, knocking down the pyramid of pop cans someone had built.

I sighed and stared over at Cameron's bunk, "I think I'm in love!"

She fell totally silent then gasped, "for real, Stella? Who?!"

I bit down on my lip, finally excited that I could tell someone about him, "his name is-"

"Oh, wait, before you tell me, I think I'm in love too!" she said

I raised a brow, "what? Is it Don Borman? That baseball jock you dated last year?"

"Noo! Not even close. I just met this guy on Saturday at Sarah Hamilton's party. He is soooo cute!" she sighed, obviously dazed.

I laughed, "and does this guy have a name?"

She giggled over the line, "I don't really know his name yet. But we talked and he's a really sweet guy."

I laughed again, "well Leah I hope things go well with Mr. Anonymous."

"Yeah! Me too! It's like I feel this connection that I've never felt before with any guy, ya know?" she seemed like she was in her own world

I sighed, "Leah, you say that for every guy that you end up dating. What makes this one so special?"

"I just know, okay?" she snapped, "and it would be great if my bestfriend was supportive of my feelings for him!"

"Woah, Leah calm down. I'm totally supportive. Don't take it the wrong way.. i'm just saying.." I tried to calm her.

She laughed, obviously embarrased over her little tantrum, "so how does this guy look like?"

"Hmm," I leaned back against the chair, "I'll try to get a picture with him and show you when we get back."

"So you like him, or what?"

I chortled and felt my cheeks glow red, "no duh, Sherlock."

"Okay, tell me about him. What's his name again?"

"Oh his name is-"

"Wait a sec, so you know that guy I told you about? Apparently Sarah's his cousin or something. So she's gonna try and get me a date with him! Eeek! Cross your fingers!" Leah shrieked and I held the phone away from my ears for that moment.

"Okay," I said calmly, "so do you want to know his name or not?"

"Oh, yeah. Tell me later, kay? Gotta go. I'm going shopping today with Anette and Brittany and they just got here."

"Okay, well don't you want to talk to Bill-"

"Gotta go! Love ya!" she said before the line went blank.

I flipped my phone shut and tossed it on my bed.

"Let me guess," Billy said from the door way, "Leah?"

I nodded and sighed.

Billy rubbed a hand over his buzz cut. The luminescence glinted off his dark skin, "and I'm guessing she didn't give you a chance to talk?"

I shrugged, "I just wanted you guys to say hello.."

He rolled his eyes, "what does it matter? I'll see her when I get back."

"You don't miss her?" I asked.

He slumped against the ground and spun a rock on the wooden floor, "what's to miss?"

My jaw dropped, "Billy, she's your best friend! Don't talk about her like that!.. I mean sure, she can be a litte self obsessed... and rude sometimes but... agh! What am I saying?" I bit down on my tongue, "no, Leah Bromwell is our bestie, ok? No hate."

Billy rolled his eyes and kicked the rock under a bunk. He looked up at me, "sure, she's our bestie. But for how long? May I remind you of who Miss Leah Bromwell is? Sophomore prom queen, class president, Party girl extraordinaire, and possible candidate for head cheer leader next year. I doubt she even misses us.. she's probably running around with her little friends partying it up, and she can't even call her so-called 'bestfriends' atleast once a week. Leah's fine without us. She doesn't miss us, Stella."

I shook my head refusing to believe his theory, "no. That's not true. I know Leah. Okay, maybe she's a little busy, so what? We're all still bestfriends..."


Billy sucked on his teeth, raised his brows, and shrugged. He was quite for a while then looked back up, "you're a good person, Stella."

I raised a brow, "okay? Thanks. You too Billy boy. Now c'mon! Let's go walk around or something. It's dead in here."

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