Chapter 21

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I gagged and choked, scraping pudding and a crusty mystery from my tongue and smacking it to the ground. Billy guided me to the restroom.

"You okay there, champ?" he chortled and swung open the door.

"Do I look okay?" I asked, irritated, as he nodded for me to come in, " Gross! All I said was 'that's nasty', he didn't have to whip spaghetti in my face for crying out loud."

"Here," Billy tossed me a towel and I drenched my face in water.

"Ahh, all clean!" I smiled gleefully.

"Uhm.." he stood there awkwardly staring at the door.

"What is it?" I asked, "is someone coming in?" I straightened up my wig, although it was still drenched in milk. Curious, I edged closer to Billy's side.

Oh... it was Cameron.

Well, alongside Kyle Brawn of course. He had an evil sneer on his face as he tip toed towards me.

I half smiled, half raised a brow. Not sure which emotion should take over; suspicion, or glee.

"Steve, how's it goin' man?" Cameron grinned, trying to hold back his laugh.

I shrugged, still finding it hard not to blush around him, "pretty decen--"

Suddenly, the two of them yelped out a battle cry and something swooshed blindingly fast from behind their backs. Whatever it was, it crashed right into my face and sent me flying to the ground. I hit my head in a thump and immediatly got a splitting headache.

I heard commotion above me, pieces of cake still clung to my face.

"Dude, you alright?" someone shook my shoulders and wiped the icing off my face.

I got a better look, and Cameron looked frantic. Billy was already chasing Kyle who had apparently squashed him with cake as well. I had to keep steady to keep the room from spinning.

"Steve?" he asked again and patted my cheek, "dude, it was just a joke.. you --"

Quickly, I scraped cake off my face and smothered it in his, laughing uncontrollably hard. All traces of diziness had vanished at the site of that.

His mouth hung open, "seriously?...... dude! I just took a shower!"

I couldn't stop laughing but ran for my life as he chased me towards the showers.

"Stay!" I demanded, holding a shower nozel in my hand.

"What are you gonna do, spray me to death?" he laughed but proceeded onward.

I did just that, and sprayed him with the nozel, soaking him completely from head to toe.

"Okay, now you're dead!" he threatened and with ease, cornered me up and threw me over his shoulder, my head hanging behind him.

"What are you doing, man!?" I chuckled, "put me down!"

"I heard the wedgie hook is vacant," he teased, "it's been getting a little lonely without Reese there, ya know?"

I gasped. My senses went frozen as I gazed over at the blonde, spikey, milk-drenched wig lying idly on the shower floor... my hair hung freely and swung in bouyant curls around me.

Cameron continued walking, oblivious to my near heart attack and my panicked state.

"Put me down."

"Not a chance buddy, it's off to the hook with you, don't even--"

"Put me down!" I demanded, not knowing what to do but thrash my legs around like a little brat.

"Okay!" he submitted.

Wait.. no, if he did, he would definitely see me!

"I mean no, just keep going!" I slapped a hand to my forehead, my blood grew cold.

"Dude, what's up with you, man? I'm putting you down."

My breath was caught in my throat as he eased me onto the ground, turning to give me a look.

My eyes widened, heart pounded out of my chest, and bile crawled up my throat... so this is it, this is how DiMarco will hate me for the rest of my life.

Shutting my eyes tight, I prepared for the worst as Cameron turned towards me, my dark hair splashed lavishly around me.

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