Chapter 25

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The week went by slowly and painfully. I ached in places I shouldn't ache after coach made us do all those drills. Thursday evening after dinner in the mess hall, I went to sit by a tree, far away from the comotion of the camp. I held ice up to my shoulder and just laid back, about to peel my wig off when I heard footsteps advancing towards me.

He stuck a hand on my shoulder and sat down next to me, still keeping a safe distance of space. I gasped as I noticed a stray strand of dark brown hair fluttering across my face. I quickly tucked it into the wig.

"Just one more day, my man, and we're free as birds."

I looked up at him and nodded. Cameron laid back in the grass, watching the evening sun soak into the landscape.

"Aren't you gonna miss this, though? I mean, this view.." I sighed and leaned against the tree trunk.

He shrugged, "that's the beauty of life. Wherever you go, the sunset and stars follow. But this is my last year at this camp," he gazed around quickly, "I'm gonna miss this place."

"Your last year?" I shot him a confused look.

"You can't come after you graduate. Didn't you know? 9th to 12th grade, man. We're gettin' old. I can feel my back cracking already!" he chuckled

I laughed and nudged him playfully, "this was a good experience."

He nodded, his ashy brown hair melting between the strands of grass, and that sunset echoeing through his eyes gave them a more glowing appearance, "I'm glad you came. At least I'll know someone at Clarkston High."

Great! I hadn't thought about that until now! How am I supposed to be Stella Morrison and Steve Morner at the same time?

Gah, think quick, Stella, think!

"I'm not going to Clarkston anymore, actually. Sorry, bro," I said.

Cameron frowned, "okay, so that goes from knowing 1 person to zero."

I thought about that for a second, he still had that one girl. Whoever she was that he refused to tell me. I wonder if she goes to Clarkston... probably not. But I dare not bring it up, I didn't want to have another "girl moment" again, as the guys here call it apparently.

"Yes she does," he said suddenly.

"What?" my brows rose.... did he just read my mind?

He chuckled, "it's not hard to guess what you're thinking, man. But yes, my girlfriend does go to Clarkston High."

I gasped, partly 'cause my heart just shattered at the sound of him calling her his girlfriend, and just out of shock. My eyes flew open, "you're kidding!"

He shook his head, "naw, I'm serious. Maybe you could've met her. Too bad you don't go to Clarkston anymore."

Steve Morner doesn't, but Stella Morrison does! Yes, I had it all planned out! The plot just circled in my head how I would make Cameron DiMarco mine after I got out of this rediculous wig, corset, and oversized clothing. Whoever this girl is, move over! 'Cause I'm taking charge!

No, stop it, Stella! Don't talk like that! What's gotten into me?!

I'd been jelous before over a guy; like when Leah had taken Don Borman, the guy she knew I liked, but never had I had thoughts like these.

Wow. I looked over at him and bit down on my lip, what is it about this guy that makes me so crazy?

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