Chapter 44

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At the moment, my life was pretty much a perfect catastrophe. Perfect, because Cameron DiMarco finally looked at me, held me, and loved me the way I had yearned for so long. But a catastrophe, because having him had somehow made me lose both my best friends. Life just never seemed to agree with me.

Although my head told me to stay away, and that Billy himself would come to me when he was ready, my heart threw back a rebuttal, and I soon found myself on the doorsteps of the Fisher's home.

"Stella, Hi!" A middle aged woman with greying hair and a smooth dark complexion opened the door.

"Hi, Mrs. Fisher. Is Billy in?"

She nodded, smiling gently, "up in his room, playing those video games, of course. You can go up and meet him."

I rubbed my arm and bit down on my lip. I didn't think Billy wanted to see me at all, let alone have me intrude in his home, "actually, do you mind if he comes out here?"

She gave me the strangest look, then called her son down. I took a seat on the door steps as I waited, feeling nervous for some reason.

"Stella," that voice was unmistakable. I could recognize it from a crowd of thousands.

I stood and turned, clutching my arm nervously, "Hi, Billy."

He shut the door behind him and ran a hand over his head. His hair was about 2 inches now, "long time, no see."

I nodded, "yea, you can say that again."

He grinned childishly, "long time no see."

A smile cracked along my lips and I laughed. I jumped towards him and wrapped my arms around Billy Fisher, hoping he wouldn't push me away. He didn't. He held me there, and for the time being, we were content to be in each others presence.I pulled away slightly, although his hug was firm, he loosened his grip. And then, the strangest thing happened. Billy rubbed the back of his hand along my cheek gently, and without any warning whatsoever, he leaned in towards me and planted a subtle kiss on my lips. I gasped and backed away slightly, but did my best to compose myself and not offend him.

What just happened?...

"I'm sorry," he dropped his hold on me and backed away, leaning against the porch wall.

It was odd. The kiss, I mean. Was it bad of me to not have felt anything just now? Other than shoving him away hastily? Was it bad that if it were Cameron who did that, I would still be in some dizzy trance... but with Billy, I felt absolutely nothing. It was certainly odd, having him as a friend for 10 years then suddenly... this.

"So?" I asked, words finally finding their way out of my mouth, "if that's what you've wanted all along, how do you feel now?"

"Honestly?" he cleared his throat and was silent for a while. Then he looked up at me, his dark eyes glistening, "I felt nothing."

My cheeks grew red and I took in a quick breath. Nothing but relief spread over me at the moment. My shoulders literally dropped as a long sigh escaped out of me.

"Billy, I do love you, so much. Just not the way you wanted me to. But I'm so glad we worked this out."

He nodded, "it was weird, for so long I've wanted to do that. But it felt like... kissing a sister or something."

I laughed and wrinkled my nose in agitation, "that's pretty gross."

Billy grinned, "I hope Cameron won't mind our little peace treaty there."

I blushed again. It's either Billy caught on super fast, or he heard the news spread around school like a wildfire, "I'll explain it to him."

He strolled over to me and ruffled up my hair. Teasingly, I shoved him away laughing. My best friend was back, that over joyous feeling could not be explained. But it felt like I was home again.

"Just know this, Stella," he commented, "you can't get rid of me. I'll always be there to annoy you, make you laugh, make your life miserable," he smiled, "and to protect you."

I chuckled, "and I wouldn't ask for anyone else, Billy."

"So," he said, changing the topic, "I hope you still have that wig."

I raised a brow, "you mean Steve? Yea, I do. Why?"

"Our plan to kill off Steve obviously didn't work. Cameron's literally hunting him down right now and making him go to Friday's dance. And if you don't do something about it, he's going to either scope through your house, or drive over to his school and hunt him down."

My eyes widened and I leaned back in frustration, "so you're telling me that I have to be both Steve and Stella this Friday?"

He shrugged, "I'm telling you you should've come clean long ago. But since that's obviously no longer an option, yes, I'm saying you have to be two people this Friday."

I slapped a hand to my forehead, "this is insanity."

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