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Song for chapter eight is Drive by oh wonder. I looveee this song so why not :)


But whether it was luck or fate of Ashton's driving skills, we don't die. We rode for hours along twisting back roads, until I felt like a I'd moulded myself to Ashton's back. Like I'd become some kind of giant girl-barnacle he'd need to pry off with that screwdriver of his.

At lunchtime we finally stopped in the town of Mount Shasta, Califonia. It was tucked into the peer slop of a mountain, a giant, snow-streaked peak that's supposedly some kind of cosmic power centre. Yeah, you heard me right.

If you believe local legend, it's home to an ancient race of super humans called Lemurians, who live in underground tunnels but surface every once in a while, seven feet tall and decked out in white robes. In other words, Mount Shasta is totally unlike Klamath Falls, which is the world's capital of monotony and is home to guys with names like Critter and Duke.

Even the smiling attendant at the Shell station was wearing a giant amethyst crystal around his neck. Ashton returned the attendant's blissed-out grin, his didn't come from Mount Shasta's cosmic power rays. It came from the Harley.

He struck a pose, one hand on the gas tank, a thumb hooked in his belt loop, and offered me a goofy Hollywood sneer. "Am I James Dean or what? Rebel without a cause?"

I squinted at him. Though I would never admit it Ashton kind of looked like a rock star. It's just the face of his it belonged on an album cover.

"James Dean died in a car crash. You know, because he was speeding." I said.

My legs were trembling so much I could barely stand. The thundering rumble of the engine had burrowed into my bones.

" I only sped once," Ashton countered. "I had to see what this bad boy could do."

"Once was plenty," I shot back, trying to sound stren. I'd loved it, sure. Because it felt like flying. But I was pretty sure that going 110 on the back of a stolen Harley was the sort of only thing you only need to do once.

Ashton walked into the station to pay for gas and emerged with two coffees and a Slim Jim, which, if you ask me, is like eatting pepperoni flavoured garden hose. But Ashton had loved horrible food for as long as I'd known him.

We'd took a little stroll into the town centre. I ducked into a heath food store that smelled like patchouli and nutritional yeast and got some vegetables for our dinner.

When I came out the store Ashton was talking to some man wearing a sandwich board reading "Are you saved?". Who then handed him a flyer.

"We could go on a peace quest," he said. "Meet our star elders."

"No way, Scallywag," I said, snatching the flyer from and tossing it into the recycling bin. " as fascinating as that sounds, I spent months planning this trip, and last I checked communing with out so called star elders was not on the to-do list."

"Well, neither was stealing a motorcycle, and look how well that turned out."

He looked pretty proud of himself for that comeback.

"Okay, fine," I acknowledged. "It's been great so far. But we can't ride a hot bike across the country. For one thing, we'll get caught. And of another, I don't think my butt can take it."

Ashton laughed. "You actually look kind of annoyed right now. Are you?"

"No," I lied. "But next time, I pick the ride."

"Oh, Lav-" he began.

"I don't want this trip to be a huge mistake, okay?" I interrupted. "I'm not interested in jail time."

"Lav," Ashton said, his voice softer now, "if this trip is a mistake, it's the best one well ever make."

And somehow by the look he gave me then, I knew he was right.


word count - 690

God this chapter was like a lesson.. So much research gone into that. Never again. Anyway hope you enjoyed! Keep reading :)

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