Chapter 6

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Pain laced your every cell as you woke, some places seeming to sting more than others. Your limbs were heavier than lead. The thoughts in your head swam with no direction, almost forgotten as soon as you made conclusion. It was dark all around you. Your eyes opened slowly, a hypnotic black confusing you. Did you even actually open your eyes?

Everything hurt. Where was everyone? Where were you...

"Hello..." You croaked weakly.

You thought your voice was too soft to have been heard, but the darkness seemed to shift. You felt a numbing cold chill you to the bone. Your hair seemed to whip around you as you were propelled through unknown space. The black seemed to lighten and bend, becoming something vulgar and terrifying. His form looked malformed and droopy. His face was skeletal and a phantom of a smile stretched over his face in a haunting way. He seemed to look directly at you with hallow black eyes. Your heart stopped. He raised a hand and you began to panic. You still couldn't move do to your aching body, make this worse than it was. At the center of his palms were gaping holes. Cracks crawled from his eyes, upwards on his right and down on his left. You flinched as he reached toward you, closing your eyes as your only available protection.

"Go away!!" You cried. "Leave me alone!"

Cold rippled through as his hand made contact, then sunk deeper into your flesh. Your flesh seemed to shift around his hand like mist. Your eyes snapped open and you watched in horror as his hand sank deeper into your body, then stopped, before retracting. Through your body he pulled away something. Your eyes drank in the sight as a small hand grew from your chest. Eyes widening, you pushed through the pain and swung your arms at him. They dissolved into the dark atmosphere as you let out a shrill cry. "Get away from me!"

You felt your body fall as you retreated. Your eyes were squeezed shut and you took a sharp breath. As your eyes opened again everything was different. The pain had seemed to dull as your hand moved quickly. You clutched the fabric above your chest as you shot into a sitting position. Your eyes scanned your surroundings, finding them completely changed.

You were covered in thin blankets, red peaking it's saturated hue through the layers. Springs creaked as your weight shifted on the bed. You lowered your gaze and found your flesh cut like ribbons, fine slashes and gashes breaking the other scars on your skin. White gauze was sticking to your skin, but looking to have been just changed. You began to breathe again, and started to collect your thoughts.

Where were you? The last thing you remember was the monster at the store. Then it seemed blank. The vague memory of tinkling glass then a voice to blurry to make out. Something was missing. Someone.

"Look around and maybe you'll find the answers you need."

You head whipped upwards and snapped around, trying to pinpoint a face to match such a gargled voice. But you were alone. Except for one person... one child... Frisk...

"FRISK!!" You yelled, eyes widening.

Pain throbbed through your skull and you hissed. Throwing your legs over the side of the bed, you ignored your body's plea to remain still. You were on your feet, waddling unsteadily. It was a miracle you remained standing. Maybe unknown ghostly phantoms steadied you. Wouldn't that be interesting?

Your instincts led you blindly as you called his name repeatedly. The door fell effortlessly, not locked. You turned right and cup a hand around your mouth. "FRISK!!! WHERE ARE YOU?! PLEASE SAY SOMETHING!!! ANYTHING!!!"

Somewhere far off you heard a scuffle, but the winding, labrynth like halls wouldn't allow you a solid lead. Feet padded in rythm on the floors, drowning out your only shred of hope. Your eyes caught the vague shape of a hand, pointing down a hall. It was too fazed out to see well, but you understood the jist of it. At inhumane speed, you bolted down the hall, allowing the small ghosty to lead you with its airy hints.

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