Chapter 12

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"Well fuck..." You growled, hands supporting your self as you stumbled backwards. You looked around you quickly, surveying what you had to work with. Just beyond this Mettaton guy, Papyrus and Sans had been bound and were watched closely by muscle bound lackeys. The man you were convinced had to be Mettaton held you at gunpoint with the barrel of his gun currently digging into your forehead. 

"Darling~ such language is not appreciated on my stage!" He gasped, laughing psychotically. 

"Well neither are late payments and being ambushed so I guess we're even." You hissed, fixing a steely gaze against the flamboyant robot. 

His mouth snapped shut as his gaze snapped on to you and he growled. "How disrespectful of you!" He growled, a snarl crossing his face. "You're rather rude for someone a few bullets from a house visit with the Reaper." 

"And you're rather cliche for someone who's supposed to be a performer. What a coincidence that the first time I meet you, you happen to be behind on payments for the body you ordered and you just happened to expect us coming to have a conversation and everything just happens so that you're targeting the chick who was expecting her first mission to be simple. Real original." 

Metatton scoffed, driving the barrel deeper against your head. You glanced at Sans and his sockets widened with concern. You winked and shrugged, meeting Mettaton's gaze so you held his attention. "What now slick?" You asked. "Do you plan on holding a gun to my head all day or are we gonna do something about this predicament?" 

He hesitated for a moment, face falling the slightest degree. He didn't even think he'd get this far. "Well, uh, I know exactly what I'm going to do!"


"You see, Kitty was it? I run a very successful buisness here. And since I've been delivered this delicious new body my revenue as nearly tripled! And with so little time, the expensive payments on this body have slipped my mind." You rolled your eyes.

"Your revenue tripled and you still couldn't pay your debts? Sad..."

"Shut up you pitiful little human! What exactly can you do about it, huh?! You're the one with a gun to their head!" Mettaton snapped.

You leaned into the gun, causing him to flinch. "Believe me Metta-bitch. I've seen much much scarier things." You growled, tone low and dangerous. "I've welcomed death into my arms many a time but he's rejected me, so I don't fear him. I've been scarred by a past of troubles and torture so if you plan to scare me, you'll have to try a lot- Harder."

Mettaton fell slightly, trying to decide whether you were bluffing or not. Growling under his breath, he lowered the gun and you smirked, popping your neck and reaching into your back pocket. Removing the leather gloves, you put them on and popped your knuckles.

"So are we gonna fight like men or are you gonna give in? I'm fine any way." You asked cockily.

"Actually darling, I have a better idea!" Mettaton grinned maliciously, brandishing the gun with new vigor as a bullet let loose. You flinched at the metallic ring and cried out as it bounced off the floor inches from Papyrus' head although he seemed almost excited by it. "Let's play a gambling game!" He yelled, throwing his arms out. Suddenly the curtains flew open and you were thrown midstage by Mettaton's curling arms. Sans and Papyrus were hung by their bindings above you, gagged for effect.

Lights blinded you as a crowd cheered. You blinked until you could see the boastful robot and his malicious grin. "We'll play for your freedom. A challenge game. If you win, I'll agree to meet peacefully to settle our matters. I win and I'll kill you in front of your dear friends! What fun!"

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