Chapter 11

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You flung yourself upward in fear. Bright light blinded you for the your first waking moment and you couldn't help the terror that racked you. Irrational thoughts took to you as naturally as birds took to the south wind in winter.

By the time your vision cleared, all you could catch were the vague images of the people next to you and their fuzzy voices as they slowly became clearer. You blinked a few times then rubbed your palms into your eyes, clearing the remaining tears and the blurriness. Next to you Frisk held a firm grip on your arm. Sans stood with a mixed expression on his face as he looked at you.

"W-What?" You stuttered. "What did I do?"

"Are you okay?!" Frisk yelped, eyes glistening in a very, un-Frisk like manner.

"Yeah... Why wouldn't I be okay?" You asked. "Did something happen while I was out?"

"You were screaming... sorta. It was like you were trying to scream but you wouldn't open your mouth. And you were just about sobbing." Sans said, removing his hat as he sat at your feet and examined you. "What kinda nightmare were you having exactly?"

You face flushed and you shrugged. "Sorry, it's kinda fuzzy. I don't really remember much."

Frisk pouted his lips and crossed his arms. "And that's the truth?" He asked.

You smiled gently and ruffled his hair. "Yes Frisk. That's the truth." You lied. Luckily a smile was the best mask known to creation.

He sighed. "Okay fine then. But if you remember something tell me."

"Y-Yeah." You nodded, standing from the bed and looking at Sans. "Why are you in here anyway?"

A very faint blue dusted his cheeks but he quickly covered it up with a shrug and his usual grin. "Eh, ya know. The usual stuff. Checking on the guest. Waking them up for their first day. All that."

Your eyes widened slightly as you recalled the day's schedule and you couldn't help but smile. "Oh yeah!"

"Did you forget?" Sans teased.

"No! I guess I'm just slow today." You said quietly, smiling apologetically.

He shrugged and stood, adjusting his hat and taking Frisk by the hand. You were tempted to stop him, feeling suddenly overprotective of him, but you trusted Sans. "Paps is making breakfast. I'll take care of the kid while you're getting ready. We leave in thirty."

"Right, okay." You nodded. He left the room and you stood from the bed, rummaging through the drawers. From the selection you chose a pair of plain black pants with black socks to match. Throwing a pressed white shirt over your arm, you debated briefly over vest or jacket, quickly deciding on the dark blue vest that you'd yet to touch. You put your shoes and socks on the bed, your fedora laying right next to them. After collecting a few undergarments, you rushed to the bathroom and only took as long as it would to scrub off the scent of fish and sweat.

As you pulled on your clothing, your eyes wondered the small bathroom in curiosity. The mirror acted dually as a cabinet, containing a few stray products and medical supplies. In the drawers were common things you'd find in a bathroom, cleaning supplies and such, except with a lot more bleach. The only thing that seems out of face was a pair of gloves resting in the bottom most drawer of the sink.

The gloves were made of pitch black leather though the collected dust on them made them seem gray with age. You lifted them from the drawers and brushed the dust from them. They seemed almost new beyond the dust. Upon your closer examination, you found the finger tips were missing, but the knuckles were padded more than any other part. Tucking them in your pocket, you elected to ask them once you came downstairs.

Lost And Found~ MafiaTale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now