Chapter 10

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You collapsed into the rocking chair of your room with an exasperated sigh. Though you reeked of the battle, you opted to shower in the morning so not to bother anyone. Frisk laid curled happily on the bed, tucked in properly to the soft sheets. You had rested the bin of clothing at the end of the bed, but you were too exhausted to fold them. One good thing about freedom is choosing when to slack off on chores.

You let a heavy breath tumble over your lip, turning soon into a loud yawn.  Your hands curled outwards as you stretched, then tucked against your chest as you wrapped your body into a tight coil. You slept in a tight knot as a force of habit. You'd often been cramped in small places growing up, so you'd adapted to sleep in a way that conserved space. The rocking chair swayed gently, warm waves of drowsiness pulling you deeper into slumbers' heavy spell.

Your eyes lids grew to dark to lift and you surrendered you thought to pointless dreams, every brain cell focused on the coming days events. You fell into warm dark, a welcome sleep after such an active day.
I tapped at the door gently. Silence greeted my attempt and I couldn't help but chuckle. If I were her, I'd be tired too. Twisting the knob gently, I peered into the room. Twilight's gentle light filled the room like a mist, the twinkle of stars winking just beyond the pulled curtains.

Frisk sat alone curled in the bed, seeming to be at peace. My brow furrowed as I looked again, aiming to locate (Y/N). "Kitten?" I called gently. "You there?"

A quiet grunt responded to my quiet call and I stepped deeper into the room. My steps seemed thunderous in the silence, but Frisk didn't even flinch. The quiet groan of the rocking chair nearly scared me out of my skin, that would be of I had any. Eyes drawn to the old chair, (Y/N) sat curled into a ball on the wicker seat. Her knees were curled beneath her chin and her arms rested at her side, fingers clutching to her knees.

Her brow was knit together, expression drawn together in a knot of unexplainable emotion.

Her palms seemed to shake uncontrollably and her breathing was labored. She was panicking. Nightmares again...

I sighed and walked to her, lifting her gently from the seat. Though I am a skeleton, that didn't mean I wasn't strong. Misconception that often took the clients off guard. Her head fell into the crook of my neck were her tears fell against me. My hand stroked her hair methodically as I placed her on the bed alongside Frisk.

It seemed as though it triggered her reset button as her ball fell apart. Automatically she curled protectively around Frisk. I smiled. "Goodnight Kitty. We'll talk in the morning." I cooed.

She groaned and I chuckled. Pulling the blanket over her, I left promptly. Tomorrow was the first day in their new life. A new chance to be happy. I'll be there to help them, no matter what. Frisk and (Y/N) are free. I'm not letting that change.
You walked alone in the dark, head low as you let the echoes of distant worries bounce around you. Many times when you fell asleep, you were conscious of yourself dreaming, but in situations like these were rare. It wasn't a dream, but your body still rested away from you. It was as if your soul and shrunken away and you were left to your mind.

There's no way to navigate the mind. It was forever changing, therefore incapable to chart even by its owner. It would take years of unfaulted concentration to move freely. You snickered. The irony was almost too much.

Your gaze rose as you stopped, staring into the reflected black that tunneled around you. "One would think the mind would be more active." You mused.

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