Chapter 18 (True Ending)

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You flexed your hands slowly as you laughed, joints still stiff. "God, it feels like I've been sleeping on a pile of bricks. It feels so good to get out of that pink deathtrap and back into my natural clothing." You purred.

You sat at your usual barstool, your comrades and friends partying around just like they had the last time were all together. You thought it may have put you on edge, but you felt elated to be back at the syndicate. The bar was hot and welcoming from hundreds of joyous bodies.

Your body felt sore. A bandage was wrapped around your face supporting a deep gash. Your left eye was swollen almost shut from repetitive blows. Your lip was broken but for the most part, you were not too badly injured. Your arm in a sling rested up on the counter. You cradled a drink as you sat and watched the crowd. Sans stayed by your side, maintaining conversation with Papyrus as you held Frisk in your lap.

"It's great to have you home Kitten!" Papyrus cheered. "I must say it's rather boring without you around. And Little Pup missed you a lot."

Frisk giggled quietly as he blushed. "Yeah..."

"You know, I'm thinking that we should put it in your contract that you're not allowed to leave again." Sans joked.

You rolled your eyes as you laughed. "You act like I have somewhere else to go. You guys are my family. And I don't think I could ever ask for a better one."

Frisk hugged you tightly and you hugged him back. You watched happily as maids you worked with slowly made their way into the crowd. "I can't believe Asgore really agreed to take the girls in. There's so many and they're all getting homes to live free lives in. I'm so happy."

"Asgore was more than happy to take in the younger ones. Hell, maybe he and Tori might get back together over this."

You smiled and shuffled around. "I ship that so much."

As time went on, you felt at piece. The warm atmosphere. The throngs of friends. The family you'd made. One wouldn't think life in the mafia would be so happy but you'd seen a million people try to buy their happiness. None of them ever got close to what you'd achieved here. It wasn't a safe haven, but it was your own slice of heaven. When you looked around, you saw those you cared for, but your eyes always caught on one individual.

Maybe it was princess syndrome. You were addicted to the memory of him saving you, but you didn't think so. You remembered this even before being kidnapped. Even when you still thought you hated the world, seeing him made your heart skip a beat. Your face lit up red when you thought about being with him. Your thoughts would wonder to being alone with him.

You wondered what it would be like to just sit with him, to cuddle up against him and just focus on the movement of his soul. Stripping away his shirt and tie so you could watch his soul sway in time to your slowly speeding heartbeat.

Boney fingers snapped in front of you and you jumped. "Yo kitten, you alright?" Sans asked. "You seem flushed."

You put your hand over your red cheeks and laughed nervously. "O-Oh! S-Sorry... I, uh, just sorta wondered. Guess I'm just a little tired."

Sans smiled gently and chuckled. "Actually, I wanted to ask you something, in private..."

"Oh!" You chirped, "Sure."

You wove your way out of the bar, Sans following close behind. As you walked outside, you stepped away from Grillby's and into a close-by alley. Leaning against the steady brick wall, you watched as Sans curved around the corner and turned to face you. "So what's up?" You asked, smiling at him.

You hoped the lack of lighting made it harder to see the blush on your face. Sans chuckled, looking you up and down before smiling. "You look a lot better in your usual clothes. That fluffy mess didn't suit you at all."

You snickered. "Totally. Not to mention that horrible shade of pink. God I wanted to throw up on that thing."

You laughed, cringing slightly as you remembered. You winced as you grabbed your side. You were still sensitive to moving around too much. Sans placed a hand on you carefully and you jumped, startled by the touch. "Are you okay?" He asked gingerly.

You nodded, laughing away the awkward silence. "Yeah, don't worry. Just a little sensitive is all." You assured.

Sans smiled, but he didn't seem to believe you completely. You continued to smile but you turned your head so that it was hidden. "Yeah, guess that is a little hard to believe isn't it? Coming back looking the way I did..."

"Kitten, you look just as beautiful as you always do." Sans complimented.

You froze, unsure what to say. Unintentionally you giggled. Quickly you smacked a hand over your mouth. For a moment there was silence, but then you both laughed. After another breif silence you spoke up. "Thank you Sans, for not giving up on me." You said quietly.

You smiled and and looked down at your hand. "I know that I said it would be best if you forgot about me, but the entire time I was secretly praying you would. I just didn't want to get anyone hurt."

Sans tilted his head and raised a brow. "You didn't really think I would abandon you did you? I love you." He said casually.

Your heart leapt and you couldn't help but blush. He said it so casually. It probably didn't mean anything. In that case...

"I love you too Sans..." You said quietly, your eyes hidden so you couldn't see his reaction.

There was an instant silence. Not even breathing interrupted the private quiet. You were about to apologize when you could feel Sans' arms wrap around you. Your fedora fell off of your head and your sucked in a short breath as Sans face hovered a few centimeters from your own.

You suddenly felt so ugly from your injuries. You didn't want him to see your cuts and bruises. Your knees felt weak in an almost blissful way. "Kitten, look at me." He said gently.

It didn't sound like an order, but rather a plee. Slowly you lifted you gaze to meet his. You were on the same eye level. His skull was consumed in a glowing blue, reminding you of his tears. "S-Sans..." you stuttered, your own red.

"Please say that again. Not my name. Before that."

You blinked a few times and you looked at his lips, to avoid his gaze. "I-I said... I love you too Sans." You repeated.

You could feel his breath against your face and you felt like you needed him. His skeletal hand brushed your battered face and he met your eyes. "I love you (Y/N)." He said, tone sweet and lulling.

It wasn't the same as before. It wasn't casual. It was private and addicting, something you wanted him only to say to you. Your name. Your tone. You wanted him to say it a million times.

You laughed and hugged him close. "You better not be kitten." You teased.

He chuckled, hugging you gently so not to bother your injuries. "I'm not. I promise I'm not. No need to be cat-ty."

"Bite me." You said sarcastically.

"If you insist." He shot.

He didn't say anything for a moment, but then suddenly you felt it. Two fangs, then a full bite down on your shoulder. You yelped, but it felt enjoyable in a way. Blue magic radiated from the bite and in its place was a blue bone, the name Sans tattooed on it. "You marked me..." you mused.

"Yeah. Is that okay?" Sans asked.

You raised a brow. "Isn't it a bit too late to be asking. Not that I have a problem with it."

He blushed for a moment then laughed. You smirked and pulled his collar with your unharmed hand. Planting a kiss against his mouth, you silenced him effectively.

Your happy ending.

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