Chapter 8

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You froze again. He treated you so gently, it felt like almost like a dream... like at any moment you'd wake up again in that crate. You tucked your shaking hands between the two of you to try to still them and rested your head against Sans' chest.

Your chest quaked and lip quivered but you refused to let yourself cry. He didn't need to deal with any more of your emotional baggage. Instead, you ghosted a smile and kept your eyes fixed to the floor. "I'm sorry Sans." You muttered. "I'm having trouble adjusting to this."

"To what?" He asked.

You met his eyes for a split second before averting them and replacing the gesture by turning away from him and waving vaguely around you. "All of this. Everything that's happened these last few days... I've been in that buisness for so long this all seems new to me." Your voice dropped significantly. "I don't even remember my life before it."

Sans' expression was soft and sympathetic. "Don't worry Kitten. It'll take some time, but I'll be here. We'll all be here to help."

Your smile seemed more genuine now. You looked up at Sans and nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that." 

He looked over your clothing and chuckled. "Okay Kitten, maybe let's start with your clothes. They're a bit bloody."

You looked down at your clothes and snickered. "Yeah, I guess that's a good idea huh?"

You shooed him from the room and retreated to the dressing. Disrobing quickly, you switched into a new pair of pants. Your shirt was already renewed so it required no change. You skipped suspenders and shoes, not feeling they'd be necessary. After brushing your knotted hair out and placing your fedora back on your head, you opened your door and walked downstairs. In the living room the Frisk sat with Sans on the couch.

You hid your gaze below the rim of your hat and descended the rest of the stairs. Your feet carried you around them as they spoke, and directly into the kitchen. Papyrus was humming happily as he worked among an army of pots and pans. As his eye caught you, it seemed to lift. "Why hello Kitten! You've returned from your wounds care! Are you feeling better?"

You nodded and met him at the stove's front. "What are you making?" You asked.

"I am making my famous Spaghetti!" He announced proudly. "Undyne taught me how! Would you like to assist me?"

With a nervous glance towards the living room, you nodded and smiled. "Sure. I'll help ha Paps."

His grin grew and he ran off, coming back with a frilly pink apron. Your face twisted at the sheer girliness of the piece but made sure he didn't see. "Put this on human! We can't let your work clothes be dirtied before your first day!"

"Uh, okay." You shrugged it on and tied it behind you. Papyrus stepped aside to show you his array of pots, throughly confusing you. "Uh, Paps? Why do you have a pot of glitter?"

"To make the spaghetti sparkle of course!"

You glanced around the pots and found most of them to be filled with nonedible components. "Paps, you are aware most of this isn't edible." You asked. "In fact, consumption of most of this could kill a human."

He gasped as though this was crushing news. "What?! I didn't know! I don't wish to poison our new human friends."

You raised a brow and looked at Papyrus. "Do you guys eat spaghetti like this?" You asked. "With all these added things. "

He nodded, taking a moment to stir boiling noodles. "My brother and I have never become sick due to this." He admitted.

You snickered and thrusted a finger in the direction of his nonexistent digestion system. "It's probably the lack of organs to get sick with. Doesn't the stuff monsters eat immediately dissolve into magic that rejuvenates cells?"

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