Tris's POV
"Holy shit!" Uriah jolts up seconds later after I've successfully completed the first day of our training. "He, I mean me--or whoever the hell that was--killed me!"
"Yea, we all saw," Marlene looks at him worriedly. "What does that mean?"
"It means that if he doesn't reach that door under five minutes by Tuesday morning, then he's dead for the real thing." I rip off the electrodes attached to my forehead and each temple.
"Well damn." He throws his arms in the air. "Shauna was yelling at me, not mentoring me," He rips off the electrodes and begins pacing the room.
"Yea, thanks, could you like maybe not do that next time? They're not cheap you know." Zeke removes the electrodes from the monitor and carefully wraps them up, putting them away for tomorrow.
"He was killing you and you were doing nothing!" Shauna retorts back to Uriah.
Uriah stops for a moment to glare at Shauna and then continues to pace.
"Babe, stop. You're making me nervous." Marlene grabs his shoulder. He nods at her and sits down.
"Zeke, can you play back the sim?" Tobias asks.
"Yea, sure, um, give me a sec."
I grab Tobias's hand and pull him closer to me. I whisper, "I don't want to relive it."
"Tris, if I didn't have a purpose for all this then I would never make you re-watch that. Trust me, okay?" He pulls me up from the chair.
"I trust you."
"Good, because I'm not playing yours," he kisses the top of my head. "Now, Zeke, did you get the footage?"
"Yea, ready whenever you are." Zeke's finger rest on the space bar, not pressing it until Tobias tells him to.
"Go ahead and play Uriah's. Uriah, pay attention, watch carefully. Point out any mistakes you made that could have been avoided and what you should have done instead. Maybe next time you'll be more prepared." Tobias lets go of my hand and crosses his arms.
Uriah nods at him and we all turn to watch his sim as Zeke starts the re-play.
• • •
"Are we clear now on what to work on for tomorrow?" Tobias asks directly at Uriah.
"Yes. I got a shitload of stuff to work on," Uriah huffs.
"So does Shauna." He turns to face her. "You can't just yell at him to 'Get up!' Or 'Run!' You have to calmly speak him through it. He has to be able to slow his heart rate, not completely freak out when he hears you screech causing his heart rate to spike."
"Will do, sir," she stomps her right foot and salutes him. You can hear Zeke stifle a laugh somewhere behind me and Tobias.
"We're done for today, you have the rest of the day off." He then turns to me. "Have any plans?"
"Nothing comes to mind, why?"
Tobias opens his mouth but nothing comes out. Christina beats him to it.
"It's been bricks since I've been able to hang out with my best friend," She swings an arm around my neck. "So what do you say?"
"No, you're with her all day long at the tattoo parlor, so I think I deserve some time with my girlfriend," he steps closer to me, squeezing my hand gently.
"Hey, hey!" I get out of both their grasps, standing in front of them. "Don't I get a say in this?"
"No-" they both say at the same time.
"Yes." I quickly glance at Tobias, trying to hint at him what I'm trying to do.
"Okay," I see him relax, "what does Tris Prior desire to do today?" He crosses his arms.
I look at Christina and give her a small smile. "Sorry, Chris. Next time. I promise."
I hug her and say, "He's right. I get to spend almost everyday with my best friend at work." I let her go and smile wider. She can't hold back the smile either, I can tell by the way the corner of her lip keeps twitching. She finally smiles as wide as me.
"Okay, fine!" She squeezes me before handing me off to Tobias. "Go do whatever Fourtris does alone." She winks at us.
My face gets hot and all of a sudden, the lace of my shoe becomes extremely interesting. Tobias squeezes my hand and forces me to look up at him. He's smirking.
I gasp and let go of his hand, only to punch his arm really hard. "Let's go before I change my mind." I drag him out of the training room, Christina's laughter echoing behind us.
But I don't get too far. He stops walking and I look ridiculous trying to pull him. He only smiles at me.
"Stop it, Tobias!" I pull again. "Come on-" he grips my hand tighter and yanks me towards him. I slam into his chest and his arms wrap around me, not let go. I sigh, knowing that there's nothing I can do now.
"Wait till she leaves." He says into my hair, referring to Christina.
I can hear Christina's footsteps descending down towards the back door, but what's louder, is a heartbeat.
I press my ear against Tobias's chest, near his heart. My whole body is pressed up against him as I feel the thump, thump, thump of his heartbeat. I press closer and the thumping gets faster and louder.
It's like I can feel it myself, until I realize, it's both his and mine. Our pulses collide, overlapping one another.
"Tris?" His voice rips through the rhythmic beating of two hearts.
"Uh-huh?" I turn my head to look up at him, but instead, his lips connect to mine. I'm quick to kiss back; our lips falling into almost perfect synchronization.
I pull my arms up and tangle my fingers in his messy locks, pulling ever so softly causing him to moan into my lips.
While my fingers are running through his hair, his thumbs are grazing the exposed skin on my waist. I press closer, wanting more of his gentle touch.
His moans and my hums reverberate between our bodies and soon, all I can hear is the sound of two beating hearts.
Two beating hearts, throbbing with passion and excitement. One wants all of her and one wants all of him. Two beating hearts, both hearts wanting to become one.
So they do.
• • •
Fourtris ending?
Fourtris ending.Please comment 💟
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Fanfiction**CONTAINS SOME SPOILERS** **YOU'VE BEEN WARNED** What if the war never happened? What if everyone got to live a sort of normal life? At least everyone but Tris. Tris remembers living through the attack against abnegation, she remembers her parents...